So, let's get this started!

Spring: Spring is the time of year when the world around me begins the process of renewal and revival. As Life reawakens from the slumber of Winter, I find it easier to get moving and do things. The lengthening days and warming outdoors draw me outside, and the sweet flowers hold me out there in the sunshine!! A lot of my bigger rituals are easier for me to pull together as the Sun comes out. I take inspiration from the return of fresh energy and clean out the old and used from winter. I also try and collect a little of the energy from this season in dried flowers and crystals!

Summer: Summer is the time of year when everything is lush and vibrant! The summer sunshine warms and charges the air and I feel more energized this time of year. I feel like my magic is more effective and so much stronger here. I always feel refreshed by the beautiful balance of the cool water of the lake I live near and the Sun beating down from overhead. The long days are often are filled with activity. I still try and collect some of the energy here too, as it feels so different from that of the other seasons and each have their uses!

Fall/Autumn: Autumn is the time of year when things are starting to hunker down and prepare for Winter's stillness and rest. This is when I try and make sure my stores of energy from the rest of the year are well maintained and I add to them from the cool of Autumn. As the nights get loner and the days begin to cool, I take advantage of the sunlight that remains and make sure things are finished. This is a time of celebration for me, and a time where I try to renew my promises to my divine family. This was the time of year where I met the majority of them and I try to thank them for their influence, their aid.

Winter: This is the time of year where everything sleeps and recovers from the activity of the year. It's when I try to conserve the energy I throw off, and try to make use of the other energy I've collected over the other seasons. The cold and lack of sunlight give me time to reflect on the events of the year and what needs to happen before Spring returns. I try to connect more with the Moon and the Stars, as this is a time when they hold sway in the calm of the night. I struggle in the cold, so I bundle up and try to hold my personal energy close, where it won't get too scattered.