In the Series: Who should I follow on Twitter: @XRP_OWL
Well the Series got its name yesterday: Who Should I follow in Twitter, with Arturo Portilla as opening act, I thought why not have another great researcher following up ...
All the YouTube Channels are familiar with this Twitter Handle as he shares a lot of content, hence all their viewers should recognise his name IF not followed yet. Well, King Solomon aka XRP_OWL is a well known name and well respected name.
According to Twitter, the amazing source for new Crypto data, King Solomon has been a member since 2015 and has well over 17.000 followers. Sent more than 11K tweets and showing a YouTube Channel with 3.77K followers. I believe he needs to treat us with a new video as his account has only 14 videos and they are worth watching .... and the last one was uploaded over 3 month ago ! ! !
So, who is King Solomon, well somebody who IS also on Coil, so give him a follow: XRP_Owl
Let's dive into the world of King Solomon:
Where does the name King Solomon XRP_OWL come from ? ? ?
King Solomon:
Honestly I just thought both were fitting names they really don't come from anywhere in particular. I wish I had a better back story for both haha.
How did you get involved into crypto when, how , why ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I became involved in crypto in January 2017. I was recording an album and the producer asked me to pay him in Bitcoin. I ended up having some Bitcoin left over that January and by August or September I started investing after seeing the value go up.
Why XRP ? ? ?
King Solomon:
To me XRP is one of the few coins that has real utility and solves a problem that currently exists. I believe that certain digital assets have utility. I believe that XRP has it in spades.
When did the serious research start ? ? ?
King Solomon:
The serious research began in late 2018/early 2019. I basically transferred nearly everything into XRP by mid-2019. I started posting what I found on twitter around December 2018, I think I had less the 100 followers back then, I've kept trying to research and find interesting information ever since.
Favourite content creator (YouTube)
King Solomon:
My 3 favourite content creators on youtube are CryptoEri, SamIam, and Kevin Cage.
What research do you like the most: Ripple/ XRP ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I think the older research is still the most fascinating, I don't believe the older POC's were just for the hell of it. Many of the developments we see today in blockchain integration can be traced back to the work Ripple was doing with certain institutions 3-5 years ago.
What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I expect it to be interesting. I don't expect 589+ or anything like that but who knows I could be wrong. I expect more institutions to announce successful POC's in DLT/Blockchain. I expect more integration. I think we will see a CBDC very soon, but I'm not sure if that comes this year or not. For XRP specifically I expect we will have resolution on the security case, and hopefully in the way we all want that situation to go. I expect XRP to keep ramping up ODL usage and volumes to continue to represent growth. I HOPE that reflects in the price.
What can we expect from King Solomon ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I plan on continuing to research and post to twitter. I hopefully will have some more time to make additional youtube videos in the near future as well.
A tweet is a success when ...... ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I don't know if I have a real answer for thatFace with tears of joy
When KingSolomon grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I'm already grown up unfortunately but if we moon I'd like to set aside a trust for each of my children and be financially independent from the system (hopefully).
Does Corona help, speed up the blockchain adoption process, or does it slow down XRP ? ? ?
King Solomon:
Coronavirus: I do think that this whole situation is going to speed up adoption across the board for blockchain/DLT/digital assets. There's more of an emphasis now on liquidity issues and the legacy failures are becoming more and more glaringly obvious to the masses (hopefully).
How many hours a day are dedicated to XRP ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I think that really depends. There have been days where I've probably spent upwards of 5 hours total putting things together. There are other days I don't even research. There are plenty of days now where I do not look at price.
Stellar and XRP collaboration, could that happen ? ? ?
King Solomon:
I think that most digital assets with speed and utility will interoperate via the networks that are currently being built. I believe Stellar has the utility capability but perhaps isn't there as far as the rails that need built. I hold both though.
Where do you think a possible Bull run will start?
King Solomon:
I'm not sure at this point, it seems like the bear market will last forever though I think we all know that isn't true. I won't make bets on when or where the next bull run will occur. I will say that I'm hedging my bets on digital assets that should go up in value due to utility rather than speculation, though I believe the next bull run we'll obviously see a bit of both.
Other “Who should I follow on Twitter” Blogs:
Who should I follow on Twitter: @Paisan26849860 IamLegion
Who should I follow on Twitter: @DiepSanh Steven Diep
Who should I follow on Twitter: @Arturo_P_A Arturo Portilla
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