let's look at some beautiful gameFAQs art

i miss relying on gameFAQs. they didn’t just have insanely plain-text guides for the most inscrutably granular details of game mechanics, you know! they also had some truly wonderful MS-Paint charts for handy reference. let’s look at some of those, for final fantasy tactics (the PS1 version of course, is it not clear yet that the PS1 version is the only good version)

easier to read than your average newspaper horoscope, am I right? (this is a joke about how newspapers are going out of business)

i’m afraid of looking at this too long. I think maybe it contains the secrets of life, but I’m not going to go insane in the attempt to decipher it

concerned that the endgame dungeons in the game are inexplicably masked in total darkness? not to worry, here is a tile-based map that absolutely sucks to look at. my eyes keep insisting that it’s a magic-eye puzzle and that hurts my brain the way a migraine does

you know a battle mechanic is good when someone feels compelled to make a thing like this. (I do not believe I have ever successfully Jumped on an enemy in final fantasy tactics, not once. this is part of the skill’s fundamental mystique and appeal)