Regions as layers for deep time storage /

Perform a regional invocation to draw something up from the localised past / Place your clay offerings among the hawthorn leaves on the slopes of the greenbelt / Bury your wooden effigies beneath loose Earth in a circle of small bones — the remains of a magpie or treecreeper /

From your backpack pull the jar of hair and iron nails, withered red berries / Desiccated leechwort bound with twine / Little pockets of skin folded and sown like leather /

With surgical precision open the veins etched across the territory and the spectra of history oozes through /

The land spits up thick liquid time / Spectral phosphors glow over marshland at night / Estuary, tributary, mudflat / Salt dry skin peels from bone /

This is anxiety about worn places /

Burning like static off pirate radio /

(Excerpt. The Gradual Mutation of The Territory, 2013).

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