Flat Mountain Dispatches

Fired soils crack as ancient stoneware. Amputated boughs slump to heat-kissed orchard, pale dirt. Each day another scorched earth policy. The garden blooms its pallid clumps. An open wound of chronic maladies. At least the rugged weeds in fervour, and by god the all fermenting stench. You shrug off blistered skin, but
Words cannot convey your faith in ruins.

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Thinning canopy fattens soils. Dead spruce dropping bark and branches. Beset by a wood-boring sickness conceived in the plantation. Mouldering stands welcoming beetles and fungi, wasps and woodpeckers. Myriad life teeming seen and unseen. Decay. Renewal. Without end. Beginning.

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Steady rains pass the Equinox. Turning soggy firth and fold. Bent bunch-grass and windlestraw matt the wooded edges spared the scythe. Fae fog-drifts over lowlands.

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Thunderous peal of woodfall. Firry carpet concealing a clearing of stumps. Wiping the dulled axe head, the whetted bow-saw teeth. Picking stray needles from gloves torn at the fingertips.

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Wood-hewn tendons. Whip-crack release of heartwood tension. One second stretching under the strain of gravity. The tree writhing in place. The two cuts creating a fibrous hinge to direct its fall. An ankle-rattling thud as the giant slams to the ground.

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You spend these quiet years unravelling. An ungroomed, unbrushed spectre, half-haunting half-lit hallways. Disuse spreading with every broken fixture, blocked chimney, rain-rotted plank. Year by year the liveable space closing in. You and the house shrinking down and stretching out. Spread thin in sync, a cluster of joints, a bundle of tissues animated in parts. A patchwork of discreet absences adding up to less than the expected sum. Your threadbare decline worn as warm as comfortable cardigans.

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Reclaiming deciduous treescape. Scores of suppressed oak, crowded rowan, creeping juniper. Aspen. Ash. Beech. Hawthorn. Hazel. Hornbeam. Maple. Spots of out-competed willow, their thin canopies and half-dead trunks worked upon by woodpeckers. Swollen stubs erupting where once thick boughs lay broken.

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Scuddy mists sandblast the cottage facade. Aspen trembling as a sea-borne bluster rakes the weaker stands; uprooting; peeling; the tallest trees whining as trunks trade bark. Old and dead wood loosed. Splintering limbs as spruce tips split.

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