
Outskirts Press Self-Publishing

 <h1>Welcome to the #1-rated self-publishing company.</h1> <h6>Black & White Interiors</h6> <p>Black & white publishing just got more flexible! Add only the options you need for a custom black/white interior with a full-color cover.</p> <h6>Full-Color Interiors</h6> <p>Our full-color packages feature vivid full-color interiors, plus options to effectively balance quality and affordability.</p> <h6>One-Click Publishing</h6> <p>One click and you're done! That's the magic of our convenient, professional one-click publishing suites that include everything you need.</p> <h2>Get your free Publishing Kit instantly (plus a bonus book!)</h2> <h2>So, you've written a book?</h2> <p>Your family and friends love it. You think, "If only there were an easy, fast way to share it with the world."</p> <p>You decide to look into publishing your book. You research book publishers to get published, earn millions, and become a star.</p> <p> <a href="https://compare-and-contrast-essay.com/">https://compare-and-contrast-essay.com</a> , after you have received one rejection form letter after another from those traditional publishing houses. All the literary agents you have contacted think your book is "good," but still don't want to represent you. Or, worse yet, they send you a mile-long list of changes to make before they will even consider it. Maybe you make those changes to get published. Another 18 months go by and the agent is still unable to secure a publishing contract for you.</p> <p>Sigh. Your back is against the wall, and you think you have no other options left. Feeling rather discouraged, you stumble upon the term "self-publishing" and suddenly, things start to look brighter. You read the author testimonials. People just like you are getting published. You look up their books on Amazon.com. There they are: actual high-quality professional books, for sale worldwide on all the major e-retailer websites, just like books from Dan Brown and Stephanie Meyer.</p> <p>You have heard of "self publishing" before, but always thought it meant paying $10,000 - $20,000 just for boxes and boxes of books in your garage. Who would want to self publish a book that way? Don't self-publishing authors sell their books on street corners, solicit patrons of local businesses, and sell their books at flea markets? Sure, they keep all their rights and all their profits, but it looks like so much. work.</p> <p>Thankfully, there is a better way to self publish a book-- one that does not require learning all the ins and outs of ISBNs, barcodes, formatting, taxes, etc.</p> <p>Welcome to Outskirts Press, the #1-ranked self-publishing company.</p>