Sometimes I'm just a problematic piece of shit

Sometimes I feel like a fraud trying to stand for freedom when I've been a fucked up piece of shit in especially Discord in the past (I've had to delete that Discord account because of it). I've ranted a lot with issues related to gender and sexuality – I've had pretty bad takes on other areas outside of it.

My main issue though, in addition to gender, has always been with capitalism, at least starting with how fan-made videos on YouTube have gotten taken down and how our culture and everything else that we both love and need seems to exist only for money. As much as I find it quite difficult to personally empathize with some movements out there and as much as I still have some problematic ideas about stuff, I'm now seeing it's more and more of a bad idea to not embrace more anarchist and/or leftist views, at least because of stuff like what Pastor Niemöller has mentioned except instead of or in addition to “undesirables”, it's “unprofitables”.

I don't know if it's down to autism or my life experiences or something else entirely, but maybe if I were not diagnosed with autism and/or probably actually didn't have it, and maybe if my life experiences were a little different, I may have better empathy for those who suffer but not in the same way as I do. As for autism (or Asperger's Syndrome as they precisely diagnosed me with then), I personally wish I didn't have it either way because I feel like it's made me get made fun of in a way, and it's in a way amplified some of the traditionally masculine traits of myself that I don't like that others may see from me. I don't want to be seen as a nerd.