Channeling joy

She does not need him to be productive or successful. But the joy of his presence brings her a zest about life, “un je ne sais quoi”, an excitement about simple things. It adds color to her surroundings, a smile that doesn’t need a reason to be.

She has used crutches all her life, she has learned to master them, and she has created and performed creative moves. Suddenly she decides to throw her props away. She goes through a period of adjustment and then is able to spring through the air. There are new territories to discover.

She wonders what else had brought her a jolt of energy. Her childbearing time did. When she receives love, support or affection, she feels an electromagnetic shock. Those moments, however, come and go.

She asks herself if she could bottle that current to use it later. She recalls the experience of his presence moving through her body; she remains present and inhales it. Her cells capture it. They could create new pathways, generators of joy, contentment, and energy.

That must be possible, she says to herself.

If trauma can create automatic and autonomic responses in our body and mind, why wouldn’t joy? If meditation can modify our brain to decrease anxiety, and improve focus, why wouldn’t a conscious and repeated mental absorption of joy?

Our nervous cells do not judge the feelings or situations they encounter. They labor as we, consciously or subconsciously, tell them. They have seven major neurotransmitters to choose from and release the ones who will get the job done. What if we fed our brain so much joy that it has no other choice than create more?

That must be possible. That is possible.

She welcomes a new life-altering practice. The next time she is moved by that jolt of joy and energy, either thinking about him or watching a sunset, while spending alone time at the beach or picking up flowers, even after a productive workday, she will pause, absorb it and allow it to bathe her cells with a fluorescent blue.

She now knows that joy and contentment can leave traceable pathways that are accessible to her whenever she wants.

That is possible.