The Nature of our existence

Who are we? Where do we come from? Where do we go? These very important questions are asked every day by those who wake up in this world but have not been answered ever. Religion which is in my opinion the root cause of fascism because it requires blind faith has always given the answer of God Allah Yahweh Satan Lucifer you name it. But that answer in itself has never satisfied anyone nor will it ever and that is by design. What it can do is to give you a hint of who is doing it and what is going on in this world.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” ― J. Edgar Hoover

At the age of twelve I came to the realization that all religion is, is a self imposed self-hypnotization, a lie that is falsely taken as a truth without the burden of proof ever. It seems like sleepwalking a Zombie dance whereas you try to waken those they will inevitably be very violent and aggressive because they wake up in a reality that is contraire to the dream they were living which is and was a reality to themselves. But there is merit to their madness and as they rightly point out the recent happenings around the world were written in the Bible together with the mark of the beast that is forced upon us by the Rockefeller and Rothschild Mafia. The Bible was written some 2.000 years ago and it is two things for two parallel societies. One who does as they say and believes everything according to them. And the second the elite who makes the prophecies come true so that the masses believe. It is really an ingenious plan to destroy the world by mutual self destruction.

Nostradamus for example hailed as the great savior carried the plague around with him. Everywhere Nostradamus went the plague followed him seven days later that pattern is widely observed and that is because Nostradamus was a Freemason an elitist. September 11 2001 follows the same principle of deceiving the gullible by traumatizing them (shock and aw) creating war and a totalitarian society by putting the blame onto the victims and the perpetrators playing the victim. It has been done so many times it really is laughable if it were not so sinister. What is more plausible? A handful of drunk Islamists with box cutters or a sophisticated operation by elitist forces that are protected by the Government and the Media? Take your pick. And the viral epidemic that we are forced to live through is just more of the same.

The fingerprints of the Rockefeller and Rothschild Mafia are all over this scam, and a scam it is. All it is, is the endgame of a plan that has its origins in Babylon, so old that it cannot possibly have been written by a Human, and that should be food for thought. So do Aliens exists? And if so how do they look, from which planet do they come from? Where are they? One simple answer is that God is an Alien, all the Gods. And it is written that we shall not make a picture of God by punishment in the Quran it is forbidden. Why is that? Because we can't. And that brings me to the nature of our existence.

The nature of our existence is spiritual, we are spiritual beings. And the reason of our existence is that we were created by those Aliens that pretend to be God created to a specific purpose that of mutual self destruction. So how do those Aliens look? They don't. What we see is a reflection of light, but if the light is not reflected you will see nothing. These beings are nothing but pure living Energy, spirits if you will, demons if you must. In fact they are dragons shape shifters because they do not have the constraints of a physical body. But without the body you do not have senses nor do you have a soul a reason for living and they don't. They hate us because they created us as their slaves yet they are incapable of living and they are jealous of us. We are the creation that outgrew our creators. And now it is time to face our creators.

“Scholars identify Hammurabi with Amraphel, and the sages identify Amraphel with Nimrod. This leads us to the conclusion that, based on midrashic tradition, Amraphel, Nimrod and Hammurabi are all the same person”. David S. Farkas

And the Tower of Babylon is the point where they raised their fears that man has become more than they have become and thus our creator Gods have become our mortal enemies.

Genesis 11:7 And the LORD said, “If they have begun to do this as one people speaking the same language, then nothing they devise will be beyond them. Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”

And so they did, by educating us dividing us into Nationalities, building up empires and destroying them from within the last one being the third Reich and the Nazis which are of their creation and now they are doing it to the USA same pattern same methods predictable Fascism because they lost their grip over humanity a long time ago. And they are easily identified as the current administration the Government and the leaders of man, misleading us into self destruction and blaming us for their crimes. The most easy way of dividing us is simply making us chose a side in a sporting game religion or sexual orientation and then using the I AM of unity against us and it becomes the I AM of division.

And this can be observed with ANTIFA BLM and Transgenderism currently employed to destroy the unity of men which is what they want. It is fair to say that we as species do not know who we are and as such can be deceived. Now I do not claim that I know exactly what and how things happened but I give you my version of things based on my findings. Man is a Hybrid made by a race called the Anunaki which I translate into “Children of the Sun”. Now this is a race that exists as pure living energy alone and may be Immortal in their natural environment which is a high energy environment. We live in a low level energy environment, the only one in which things grow and matter materializes, the bottom of the pit. So they created man and gave them part of themselves, the infinite spirit and the ability to connect with the dream dimension in which they resign. The closest animal to man is a dinosaur a Theropod and I tell you why so to give you my reasoning for this. Theropods have the balance that is required to walk on two feet, apes on the other hand have not because they are mostly tree animals.

Theropods also being Lizards are capable of losing their tale which seemed to happen to us in an evolutionary sense. And if you imagine the shrinking of the head you could see the evolution from Theropod to human is possible in a smooth way never mentioning the part of our brain which is still reptilian. Whereas no one to this day can make a possible connection from ape to human because it is not. So Man is a Dinosaur created by the Children of the Sun and being given the infinite spirit by them. When one looks at the elongated skulls of the ancient Pharaohs and rulers of old they fit in perfectly with this timeline of events and it explains why they exist, the transition from Theropod to human. Which also explains where the Dinosaurs have went, nowhere. They are us.

One more thing and that is the Nature of the Anunaki. They are a race of “Dragons” so to speak, light beings consistent of pure intelligent living energy, Angels, Demons they are all that and more. Thoth, Ra, and Osiris all these so called Gods were actually beings of energy as described in some ancient texts. To do what they have done they must have had at least some power of mind over matter, i.e. Telekinesis and Telepathic power. And I believe that this would explain their power over the Human race to this Day.

A many of the politicians do look as if they are not in control of themselves, and I point to Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel who have shown their internal conflict that seemed to shut them down on many occasions. This can only be happening when two minds fight over one body something I believe you will soon see more of. To be honest the Anunaki made us specific to this purpose, as a vessel for their mind so they can connect with this “Dimension” so they can change things. What they did not anticipate is that we develop a mind of our own because if we do, they have failed and failed they have. We are the perfect being made by them but we do not know this, why? The Answer is simple. The Occult families of the Illuminati have been in power since Babylon. They became the leaders (misleaders) of our society. In Babylon and before they controlled us by the power of their spirit (telepathy) hence they had no need of a writing system. From Babylon to Ur the first writing system had to be developed because to any language belongs a writing system and if they have to change our language they also needed to develop a specific writing system for that.

Furthermore the Talmud was written to instruct the Occult Societies of these Families as how to divide and conquer us. The code of Hammurabi which to this day is the underlying legal system grants them freedom of prosecution no matter their crimes because in their eyes they are G-D over us to this day. They also created Abrahams Religion of Judaism (in the image of themselves) Christianity and Islam as an opposing force to create War. The term Religion spells Ra Legion or the Legions of Amun Ra the G-D of the sun of Egypt. In order to make a species fight you need to teach them how to and then install a feeling of superiority into them. And that is what they do to this day.

Remember that in ancient Hebrew the words were written without vowels, they were interchangeable. By the way of deception we shall make war, that is what they are doing since the tower of Babylon. And by the way of their actions they shall be exposed. That leads me to the place of origin of their species and how they came to our planet. They are true Children of the sun because an high energy species needs a high energy environment and the sun fits their purpose best. If you look at the sunspots they have curiously the blueprint of an egg with a shell and a yoke determined by the different temperatures. They “hatch” in a twelve year cycle that seems to be true and manifested by their hatching i.e. solar flares and the release of EMF Radiation because they are radiant beings of pure energy hence EMF. Their way to earth is through the planet of crossing i.e. Nibiru.

But this so called planet has passed us by and it was called Oumuamua. Oumuamua has exactly the flight path of Nibiru passing behind the sun, taking in passengers and passing by Earth where they dispatched. Now we see and will see a lot of people getting crazy especially those meddling in the Occult which seems to be all politicians media and masters. Possession is what the G-D want, to possess us and change the environment of the Earth into that of a sun a high energy environment. Their heaven is our hell and vice versa. They did this before like Mars Tiamat and Venus which consists of a burned Atmosphere despite having the same blueprint of Earth. In fact I believe that we are the last planet of this solar system, a system that was once full of life now destroyed by them, and now it is our time to be destroyed.

The current war on civilization on all fronts that includes mass sterilization through GM Food vaccines and 5G all of it is directed by Zionists where as Zion is the sun and the Zionists are controlled by the offspring of the children of the sun, Zion. They believe that by destroying us G-D will grant them Immortality. And we are in the last phase of their ancient plan. That is what I have come to conclude in my journey in this world. Do I feel strongly about that? For sure I do because I am Human. I AM

Fritz Freud