The Gift

If I die today don't miss me I've had a wonderful life and even if it finished abruptly I'm so happy to have lived it and now depart.

I had to die one day anyway and today is a good day like any other.

There were things I wanted to do, and important words to say, but, I guess, I won't have the opportunity. Not in this life anyway.

Now I'm gone and what is left is space, empty, that I'm leaving for you.

This space, that I occupied in your life, wether big or tiny, is my gift to you.

I wish you to use it well. Let it be the most fertile soil and a breath of new life for what's the most meaningful for you to emerge.

I'll keep sending you rays of eternal love and joy from wherever I'll be next. There's no need to miss me. Just enjoy the space.

About “Letters from the Forest” #favourites