
Dear Class of 2020: My name is Ahmad Sayad, and I plan on running for Senior Committee President. I believe I am well suited for this position based on my previous experiences with leadership, including but not limited to: Student Council President, Unified Champion, Key Club Secretary, and Coordinator, Marketing Club Vice President, and more.

But enough about me. Here are my promises to the Class of 2020: – I will increase the number of Senior outings. – I will create a food service exclusively for seniors. – I will organize a Senior mural. – I will decrease the price of prom. – I will continue with the organization of events previously established, such as PowderPuff. – I will create new events and activities that will unify the Seniors. – I will establish a platform to showcase the achievements of talented Seniors.

And most importantly, I will listen to the requests of Seniors, in making their senior experience as good as it can possibly be.