2023 I/We, Solitary, Nonbinary, Part 1

1961, 1 week old (notice the decorated Christmas tree in the background. We were born December 18.)

1 year old

2 years old

Senior year, 1980, 18 years old


1981, out of the closet and getting baked

1991 Provincetown, 29 years old

2001, 39 years old, New Orleans

2014, Gatlinburg Regional Bridge Tournament, 52 years old, still pretending to be a boy

I have always wanted to be an academic, still do. After PTSD therapies made breakthroughs and I became contemplative, at 54 years old, I attempted to go back to college. I am still struggling to take classes. I cannot handle classes full-time, but I try to take a couple of classes every semester. At 61 now, I probably am a junior. 2016

Ready to transition to nonbinary.

We’re all born naked and the rest is drag!

There you have an abbreviated I/We-Nonbinary story and pictures to grasp the transition of Eph (short for Ephemeral Gnoselph Prat our name we hope to legalize as one of our 2023 resolutions) from white cis male to nonbinary queer.

We’ll share the solitary part tomorrow.

#I #we #solitary #nonbinary #complexPTSD #dissociative #DID #RuPaul

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