Is language and accident? Existing in just one among many thousands intelligent species. it could be an experiment, 90% failed by now. Or language could be its own life form. maybe a parasite, which through evolution transforms the brain of the host so that it's more and more adapted to it. And this brain structure is either initially not inhabited by language at all, language is injected through interactions with all the hosts of the same parasites, or the parasite succeeded in becoming encoded in human DNA so that we were all born with a dormant version that awaits activation by other instances of the parasite. And this parasite could be as aimless as most parasites. Using their host with no other intent than satisfying their reproductive needs, behaving as a species with no other intent than perpetuating the existence of the species. This is what humans do in their own flavor of being a parasite. But language could also be something more interesting: a stage in the evolutionary process of another entity. Imagine that: language is some kind of larva. It's infecting a species, progressively influencing their behavior to make them transform their planet, engineer it, set all the conditions for the emergence of the adult stage of their own life form. The adult form feeds on what remains and prepares for another cycle. if the larva stage lasts for 500,000 years, we are dealing with something extraordinary. And we are the host, and we can be aware of it, and what allows us to be aware of it is the parasite itself. To protect us from this terrifying realization, the parasite is very good at making us believe in whatever fantasies relieving the anxiety. Religions, mystics. Intriguing isn't it?