THERE ARE MANY STRANGE NOISES HEARD COMING FROM THE OCEAN, and the strangest of them is the conversations of whales. They don't have words like human beings. Instead, whales have phrases and melodies. Whales speak to one another through short ditties and long ballads. These songs are often unique to a species, or unique to a pod, and hearing them often enough sailors can nearly discern one song from another and know what they are saying.

There is one song among these that no one alive has heard. Those who hear it are doomed to meet with an untimely death. Sailors speak of other sailors who, before they died, mentioned being the only one to hear a faraway whale song that was almost human.

The song they hear is described as a deep humming; and the humming is so resonant, so reverberant, that it could have only come from a giant man.