About to start another 2-week trip. Board flight to Rio 16:30. 30 mins to get through security: 16h. 1 hour to get to airport: 15h. Leave home about 14:30. Wake up B to pack bags 13:30.

11:30 right now.

Now it's 13:15. Let's prepare a list of contacts to reach out to, and prepare a pack list, then we'll be good.

Contacts... exported. Formatting... done. I can register and contact people on the flight. Time to go!

Wes Watson:

Negativity, angst, that internal feeling pulling at you – that is our natural state – we're being summoned to move. Called to something greater.

If you're more negative than others, it's a sign that you're called to something greater than they are.

Wisdom is problems overcome. Negativity inside us is the greatest problem possible.

Feeling like shit... feeling like garbage... and doing something we don't want to do anyway, for a higher purpose – that grows us the most.

Action and self investment breeds self-love and self-respect.