writing a story in less than 365 days

I came across a challenge, an outline, a task about writing and finishing and editing a story in less than 365 days. It provides a very structured timeline over a span of 52 weeks where you push and push and push yourself to weave together words until something beautiful appears. Like a baby.

It goes as follows: * Week 0 – Basic Premise * Weeks 1-2 – Story Skeleton * Weeks 3-4 – Character Basics * Week 5 – Synopsis * Weeks 6-8 – Plot Development * Weeks 9-14 – Character Development * Weeks 15-16 – Location and Setting Development * Weeks 17-19 – Scene Blocking * Weeks 20-23 – Writing Draft 1 * Weeks 24-26 – Theme Development * Weeks 27-32 – Writing Draft 2 * Weeks 33-44 – Writing Final Draft * Weeks 45-52 – Editing

Courtesy of Novel-Software.com

I am not going to call my project a “novel.” That means that there is firmly a start, some semblance of a middle, and an ending of a specific length with a theme and a message. Novel means structure. No, it is instead, to me, a “story.” Stories are freeform. They have no length, no rules, only characters and conflict and time. Less pressure, more freedom.

Anyway, I think I want to try this, to have some semblance of real, REAL structure to a beautifully freeform project. And maybe document my process into becoming the writer I used to and always wanted to be. Is that silly? To crave structure so much you keep running back to it knowing you hate rules? And I keep thinking that maybe I'll blog about my process, of 52 weeks of dreaming and sweating and guttural screaming into the void. 52 document weeks of getting it done, of doing what I promise myself.

I am okay about making promises to others. I don't want to hurt or lie to others. I know what it feels like to have someone promise you something and then snatch it away and feign ignorance. But I have always had trouble honoring myself.

I don't want to give up on myself this time. I should be kinder to myself. I should come through for myself like I do for everyone else.

I am worthy and deserving of my dreams.

A reminder to myself.