at your service (mild nsfw).

When Thorns entered their shared room, he was so shocked at what he saw that he dropped his bag in the same instant. Whatever he intended to do evaporated from his mind the moment his eyes landed on Elysium, who had a confident grin on his face and hands on his hips, standing proudly amidst the clutter of junk all over the floor.

Elysium’s presence itself is not the surprising part, it’s what he’s wearing that makes the wires in Thorns’ head short-circuit trying to comprehend what led to another series of questionable decisions by his boyfriend, how, and why.

The first thing that’s very noticeable about Elysium’s outfit is the frilly white headband sitting atop his head. It almost blends in with his hair, and Thorns would’ve thought he’d grown more feathers if it wasn’t for the obnoxious lock of red hair Elysium is so proud of. His eyes wander down to take in the rest of his clothes, the reason the gears in his brain suddenly halted.

Somehow, as Rhodes Island cruises through the middle of nowhere, Elysium had gotten his hands on a maid dress.

While it looked good on him (extremely good, Thorns admits not so reluctantly), the dress was obviously not meant for a man, especially someone as tall as Elysium. It was a tight fit around his shoulders, the puffy black sleeves riding up his upper arms. The large, white bow attached to his collar only barely managed to cover how the frilly fabric stretches across his broad chest. There’s an apron attached to the front of the dress, right above the ruffled skirt that barely manages to cover the tops of his thighs. If he so much as bends down a little, Thorns would’ve been able to peek at his underwear. As if that wasn’t enough to send his thoughts into overdrive, the Liberi just had to go all out with the garter belt and the thigh-high socks. Complete with goddamned heels.

He'd be more impressed at the fact that Elysium could still stand wearing such torture on his feet if he's not having a mental crisis at the moment.

“What,” is all that manages to leave Thorns' lips after a moment of silence, still dumbfounded by the sight of Elysium in a maid dress. And he’s not someone who’s easily taken aback by anything. He never found the idea of maid dresses erotic, but he's definitely changing his mind after witnessing Elysium wearing it.

“Pretty, isn't it?” Elysium asks, oblivious to Thorns' dilemma as he twirls in place, eager to show off every inch of the dress. The skirt swishes upwards with the movement, and Thorns thanks his lucky stars that the Liberi is wearing boxers underneath it.

God knows what he would've done if he saw Elysium in lace panties.

“How.” His brain is still unable to think of anything outside of one word responses.

“Bagpipe was handing them out to the other vanguards, and she gave one to me as a joke. Heh, she should have known that I'd look good in anything,” Elysium boasts, flipping his hair smugly. He struts closer to Thorns, his heels clicking against the metal floor. With the added height, he's practically towering over him when they stand so close like this, but that doesn't pose a problem for Thorns because that means it's easier for him to stare at the supple flesh of Elysium's thighs, straining against the socks and the black garter belt.

He itches to tug at them and snap it against the pale, ivory skin. Watch as red starts to bloom and hear Elysium whimpering from the pleasure-pain.

“You agree with me, right?” his boyfriend asks, easy smile still in place. He leans down, stray strands of wispy hair falling to rest near his collarbone, and Thorns wonders how is he able to make something so simple look so sinful?

Maybe it wasn't, and Thorns is just too horny to think otherwise.

“It's sexy,” Thorns replies. Curt, succinct, and honest. He's gathered enough of his wits back to properly act on what he’s been thinking of doing to Elysium, because he really has no business being that attractive while crossdressing. He makes his move, surging forward with hands on Elysium's waist as he guides the other to where his desk is.

The Liberi is taken aback by the sudden boldness, his face growing redder the closer they get to the cluttered desk. He almost stumbles over his own feet, grabbing Thorns by the shoulders to regain his balance with an undignified squeak.

“WaitㅡSlow down a bit! Did you even see the dress properly?!”

He didn't. “I did, and I think you'd look better in it when I bend you over my desk.”

Thorns, hold on. I didn’t dress up just to get fuckedㅡHey!”

“Stop acting like you're not enjoying it.”

His hands are already slipping beneath the skirt, grabbing at every part of his exposed skin. Squeezing his thighs, running his fingers over the socks. He drinks in the little gasps that escape Elysium’s lips from the heated touches, and to no one’s surprise, he’s met with no resistance as he lifts Elysium up with ease and places him on top of the desk. The skirt rides up from the motion, and Thorns barely bites back a smirk when he sees the tent forming in Elysium's underwear.


“You like it when I manhandle you,” he exclaims, like he’s stating a fact, one that he already knows is especially true because the blush on Elysium's cheeks grow a shade darker, even as he willingly spreads his legs to make room for Thorns in between.

“SㅡShut up! If you're really doing this, then just get on with it, you know…”

Hmph, and he said he didn’t think of sex when he wore the dress. Thorns snaps the garter against Elysium’s thigh as punishment. He smirks when his boyfriend jumps and whimpers, just as he expected.

“I take it there’s no problems, then? Considering you’re as eager as I am right now.”

“I’m not! You’re the one who jumped meㅡMm, Thorns…” Elysium never managed to finish his protests, his words morphing into little groans and sighs as Thorns bites his neck and begins the quest to fully enjoy the meal oh so splendidly laid out in front of him.

Once Thorns is done with having Elysium (quite literally) bend to his whims, he'd have to remember to thank Bagpipe for her wonderful idea.