literal horseplay.


The Sankta doesn’t respond. He continues to peruse the manual in his hands while ignoring the call for his name.

“Executor!” the voice calls out, louder this time, close to whining and Executor doesn’t have to look to know that the other is pouting. With a resigned sigh, he lets his eyes wander from the neatly printed pages to land on Elysium on the other side of the table, his cheeks puffed out and Miss Christine perched on his shoulder. She’s peering up curiously, her two tails swishing languidly in the air as Elysium scratches her behind her ears.

“Is there anything you need, Elysium?” he asks flatly, watching as the vanguard scoops the cat in his arms and holds her up in front of himself, laughing when a paw lands on his nose. Easily amused, as always. Executor wonders how he’s able to find joy in the smallest of things.

“Don’t you want to play with her, too?” Elysium offers, and Miss Christine meows, seemingly in agreement. She attempts to clamber out of his grip to return to her spot on his shoulder, the sleek black feline curling up without a care for the Liberi that gingerly teeters on his chair to make sure she wouldn’t accidentally slip off. “She’s very fond of me, but I can tell she’s getting a bit bored…”

“I’m busy,” Executor interjects without missing a beat, shifting his attention back to the manual.

“You’re just reading!”

“This is a new handbook that the Notarial Hall sent to me this morning. I would like to go through it in case there are any changes regarding my instructions on Rhodes Island.”

“Oh, come on. You can do that later!” He’s actually whining at this point, and Executor suddenly has newfound respect for Thorns for being able to withstand Elysium and his boisterous mannerisms almost every single day.

He’s either a very patient man, or he’s grown immune to Elysium's constant ramblings.

Executor chooses not to reply. Elysium makes a disgruntled noise.

“Exe, please?” His eye twitches at the shortened codename, but otherwise he doesn’t budge. He flips a page to prove his point. “We agreed to look after her together. This is a promise we made to Phantom!”

“It’s a promise you made of your own accord. I never explicitly said that I agreed, I simply allowed you to tend to her in my room.”

Elysium huffs. “You’re no fun. Isn’t that right, Miss Christine?”

The Sankta peeks from the edge of his book out of curiosity. The cat is currently dangling around Elysium’s neck (somehow), and her answering mewl sounds displeased from the lack of attention as she once again looks at Executor with her big blue eyes that would’ve made him melt on the spot if he wasn’t emotionally constipated.

He would later choose not to admit the way her hopeful gaze tugged at his heart, even if just a teensy bit.

Nevertheless, work always comes before pleasure, and he needs to check the additional clauses in the contract before he can continue with his duties on the landship.

…At least, that was the plan.

There’s a surprised yelp coming from his companion, along with the noisy clattering of his chair as Elysium tries to regain his balance. The commotion was enough to pull Executor away from his reading, a complaint ready at the tip of his tongue, but the sniper didn’t have time to properly say it when Miss Christine leaps at him across the table and–inconveniently, perhaps even on purpose–lands right on top of the handbook, stretching her lanky body across the pages. They regard each other silently, Elysium sputtering in the background as he rushes to get her off Executor’s lap. He swears he sees a mischievous glint in her deceptively innocent eyes, it prompts him to open his mouth and reach out to gently pick the little creature off his book.

“Miss Christine–”

At least, that was the plan. Until she dug her claws in and tore the open pages in half.



She meows, and she doesn’t sound the slightest bit apologetic.

x x x

“My deepest apologies for her misbehavior, Executor,” Phantom says solemnly, head bowed as the culprit for Executor’s now ruined book circles around his feet, as if she has no clue about the chaos that just happened.

“It’s alright.” It’s not a huge damper to his plans, but it’s still an unfortunate turn of events because that means he needs to wait a little longer. “I can simply request to have another one sent to the landship.”

He glances over at Elysium, who stares back with a raised eyebrow. “...Though, if I was being honest, it’s partially Elysium’s fault for his negligence in keeping Miss Christine occupied.”

Right on cue, Elysium lets out a dramatic gasp, betrayal written all over his face.

“Bro, how could you?! You were the one that kept ignoring her, I say that was deserved!”

“No, no,” Phantom cuts in before Elysium can go off on another tangent, gaze averted as he bends down to pick up his small companion. “Miss Christine and I would be having a lengthy discussion over how she must conduct herself when in the presence of guests. I am willing to compensate your book if needed,” he says, turning towards Executor. He bows again, and the Sankta notices that his ears are drooping slightly.

“I express my deepest gratitude for your willingness to accompany her while I was away. Both of you.”

“You’re welcome,” Executor replies, even though he didn’t do much. Elysium slings an arm around his shoulder, a large grin on his face as he gives Phantom a thumbs up.

“Hey, it’s no trouble at all! If you ever need anyone to cat sit again, we’re more than happy to help!”

Executor elbows him. Hard.


“Stop speaking on my behalf.”

Phantom doesn’t seem to notice the act of harmless violence, his eyes flitting from Elysium to Executor before he nods slowly. He doesn’t say anything in parting as he walks back to his own room, cradling Miss Christine and letting the cat poke her head up above his shoulder. She’s staring at him, again, her tongue sticking out, and Executor has the image burned into his mind before the pair slowly disappears from view.

The cat was definitely mocking him.

“You know, Executor. She wouldn’t have ripped your book out if you indulged her a bit,” Elysium chimes in, and Executor turns to face the wincing Liberi.

“I told you I was busy.”

“Five minutes won’t hurt now, would it? Besides, maybe she can teach you a thing or two about socializing, haha!”

…Huh. He never considered that before. Practicing proper etiquette on the other operators can lead to disastrous results, but the most damage the cat can do to him is to destroy his belongings or pee on his bed.

“You might be right.”

Elysium smiles proudly, both hands on his hips. “I’m always right! Say, how about we–”

“But, I stand by my point that you should have made a better effort of restraining her. I shall request for a portion of your salary from the Doctor as compensation for the book.”

“What–Hey! That’s not fair! Executor, no, please. Exe, come back!”