sweet indulgence.


Dangit. Elysium bites his lip, knowing full well that his face is flushed as red as his prided tuft of hair, arousal mixing with embarrassment because how is he supposed to keep calm when Thorns speaks his name like that, voice hoarse and an octave lower, dripping with sex and melting like honey in his ears?

“W—What,” he stutters out, refusing to meet Thorns’ gaze. Elysium inhales sharply at the puff of hot breath against his fingers, and the faint pressure of chapped lips against the pads before they start pressing a little more insistently. His fingertips are wet as those sinful lips finally close around the very edges, kissing each digit one by one. Shivers rack his lithe frame despite his best attempts to suppress it, his brain refusing to cooperate with the traitorous thoughts clouding his mind and all the blood that’s rushing south from the ministrations.

“You’re into this, aren’t you?” Thorns mutters against his skin, all smug and pleased with this turn of events. Elysium swallows thickly, heart beating fast and breath coming up short, and he’s positive Thorns can feel it from where their chests are pressed together. There’s no reason to lie, now that the cat’s out of the bag and Elysium’s arousal is painfully obvious, but having to say it out loud is still...!

“No, I’m not! What makes you think that?!” his voice cracks at the end of his flimsy excuse of a lie, prompting the other to chuckle. Damn, even his laugh is sexy. This isn’t fair.

“Is that so? Then why are you looking away?” With his free hand, Thorns brushes his fingers against Elysium’s face, moving past his cheek and his ear to start stroking the downy feathers that the freaking jerk knows is one of his most sensitive spots, prompting a soft gasp that has him gripping the bedsheets.

“T—That’s because...!” Elysium’s lost at this point, why is he even trying? He’s lost from the moment Thorns had that dawn of realization and decided to torture him with this newly obtained piece of information, information that brings nothing but shame for Elysium.

“Ely, look at me.”

Fuck, not the nickname.

Thorns tugs harder at his ear feathers and Elysium cries out in surprise (and part pleasure), using the momentary distraction to turn Elysium’s head forcefully until he has no choice but to look directly at Thorns.

If Elysium wasn’t already hard before, his dick is definitely standing to attention now as he drinks in the sight above him.

Thorns’ golden eyes are always so intense, smoldering with heat and desire as he pins Elysium down with the force of his gaze, it’s hypnotizing as flames lick at the pit of his stomach. His hair is a mess, braid loose and looking like it’s about to fall apart with a single tug and Thorns had forgone tying it for today, the longer strands falling over his shoulder. The perfect image from all of Elysium’s wet dreams. Combined with the fact that he has Elysium’s fingers hovering so close to his mouth, a mouth that’s wickedly skillful and the cause of his current predicament, he stands absolutely no chance against the menace that is Thorns.

“You can keep going if you want,” Thorns offers, eyes half-lidded. He’s giving permission for Elysium to indulge in his fantasy. He’s not sure if that’s a good or bad thing as of now.

“Are you sure?” he asks tentatively. Despite his indecisiveness, his eyes is already darting towards Thorns’ mouth, one corner tugged up to form a smirk that messes with his judgment even farther.

“Go ahead.” And that was all the green light Elysium needed, inhaling deeply.

He starts slow, pressing his digits against Thorns’ bottom lip, the muscle pliant and soft under his touch as Thorns parts his lips willingly. Elysium slips the fingers deeper, sucking in a sharp breath when a curious tongue wraps around his index and middle finger.

He did not expect this to be as hot as it appears.

Elysium wriggles his fingers inside, watching in fascination as Thorns laps at the slender digits diligently, lathering them with saliva and sucking at them with fervor, all the while keeping his eyes steady on Elysium, further amplifying the erotic scene. Elysium almost forgets how to breathe when his tongue circles all three of his fingers and pulls back to press wet kisses against them.

At this point, it’s difficult to block out the intrusive thoughts that keeps telling him Thorns’ mouth can probably fit something bigger than his fingers.

“Oral fixation, huh...” Thorns’ voice snaps Elysium out of his daydream, and judging from the raspiness he’s not the only one affected by this. “Not the weirdest thing out there, but still. You’re too easy to figure out.”

“Whaddya’ mean by that, bro—!” Elysium yelps when Thorns pinches his side.

“I would appreciate you not calling me ‘bro’ when we’re about to have sex.”

His face turns even redder if possible.

“Now...” Thorns trails off, and only then does Elysium notice the hand grazing against his stomach, toying with the waistband of his pants. “Let’s see how far we can go for today.”

Thorns goes further down, and Elysium is gone.