Gamer+ News October 21, 2019

NEA Game Fest 2019 raised $5,418.72! Thanks to all who came out and supported The Children's Shelter!


Egyptian miniatures made of wood 3,500 years ago. I think they are brewing beer.


CarlHeyl comments, “My old school minis don't feel so old school now.”

FollowMeAndDie posts “A good overview for what is the OSR. Presented in a way that should appeal to new RPGers and those who only know 5e. He limits Old School to D&D and omits all the other games from back in the day that had a similar quick style of play. Or games that started back then that may not be simple rules. AKA Nostalgia.”


ZDL posts Chinese playing cards. “This is my second, believe it or not, 100% hand-made deck of playing cards.”


Please welcome DualClassic to Gamer+. Invite your friends. Help us grow.

Thanks, hairylarry
