On Hiring

Working in tech is often a weird thing. There is the weird phenomenon where trivial technical challenges will be the most important thing ever with every one working on designing the right solution. Meanwhile actual important things like diversity and inclusion is rarely considered a problem but rather just the way things are.

In discussions on how to make hiring more inclusive and diverse I am often met with the same opinions: There is just not enough people of color applying to the job, the best candidate will win, our process just reflects how society looks.

I am baffled at how people do not stop and reflect on the first point: why are people of color not applying to your company? Rather than just talking like they don’t exist and that’s why they don’t apply.

And the idea that the best candidate will win is bullshit to anyone who has actually done interviews. In tech the white candidate wins with little effort.

If you believe that your hiring pipeline of mainly white men is representative of how the world looks then you are coming from a very narrow perspective. It should rather be time for you to widen your perspectives, check your privileged and hire someone to run the hiring process who actually knows what they are doing.

It’s funny how it’s often companies that insist they are not political (and politics is an unacceptable topic at work!) who are stuck with a white pipeline.


This is post 3 out of 1000. I have a stupid goal of writing 1000 unedited 200-word-posts.