Hit Subscribe Digest, June '23

Appium Tutorial

If you're in search of a solution to streamline cross-platform testing, Appium deserves your attention. It has proven to be a transformative tool for many. For a comprehensive introduction to Appium and its impressive capabilities, I suggest exploring the Appium tutorial by Waldo.

Columnar Databases

What is a columnar database? I didn't know until I read this helpful columnar database guide by InfluxData. True to its name, columnar database store data in columns, rather than rows. I learned that for analytics workloads, columnar databases can have a huge performance advantage, so they are definitely worth learning about.

Salesforce Testing

I highly recommend exploring Tricentis' Salesforce testing solutions. They provide enterprise-grade testing solutions for Salesforce and other applications, allowing you to optimize testing for custom, 3rd-party, and standard Salesforce applications and data integrations.

Slack Markdown

Slack Markdown is a powerful tool that lets you format your messages in a variety of ways, including bold, italics, code blocks, and tables. This Slack markdown guide from Wrangle provides a comprehensive overview of Slack Markdown, so you can start using it to improve the look and readability of your messages.

How to create a Kubernetes cluster in AWS

This create and manage an AWS ECS cluster with Terraform tutorial provides clear and concise instructions, making it a great resource for developers who want to learn more about this powerful tool.

User Experience Monitoring

Request Metrics User Experience Monitoring (RUM) helps you understand how real users experience your website or app. It provides detailed insights into performance, errors, and user behavior, so you can identify and fix any issues that are impacting your users.

Enterprise Release Management

Enterprise Release Management is a critical process that bridges the gap between corporate strategy and DevOps. This enterprise release management guide from Enov8 provides a comprehensive overview of Enterprise Release Management, including its benefits, challenges, and best practices.