Disdain’s Lessons

When I stepped from the portal, the other side was not as expected. On the left side, I was the darkness; on the right, I was the light. On the left, I absorbed the light. On the right, my light was consumed. Charging VS Draining. Am I nothing more than a battery. I guess the center is the only place of balance. It is there that I drain and charge myself.

I had become accustom to a place so hot the spider webs melt, so of course I reacted when the first one wrapped around my face. Spiders. Just one thing they don’t tell you about swamp work.

The world I had left had been a desolate scene: the sun pounded continuously screaming, “Rejoice,” and the people did. There was no shelter, or none which provided any real type of barrier, and the message was always heard. It was clear, and it was constant.

In this new land, structures were built and fortified. This is right. The humans would replicate them, creating mental fortifications that they posted with signage, “I Can’t Hear You.” A “na-na-na-na,” taunt originally; the words written now manifest as truth. We question God’s choices, “How could he do this,” but, when we begin at the beginning, it is clear: We Did It To Ourselves.

Scream. Sob. Eternal Pain. Self Deafening Creature.

The despair heavy. My disdain for these lands strong. Was I the message, or was this my lesson? I resented every piece of this, and I resented myself for choosing this moment.

Anger and disgust make a filthy home. Guilt and shame walk out their front door. The whole world watches.

I watched a mother mantis feed her family. She fed them one by one, holding the meal she provided with care as they took in all they could contain. Then she bit off their heads until nothing remained. She spit their remains, cautious not to swallow any bit of their pitiful existence. These atrocities her creation. Who better to destroy?

The dead glided alongside as I moved. Never stepping from the shadows, their cold embrace provided comfort amongst the sharp accusations and blatant mistellings of the living.

Every step hurt. The last leg is always the longest. Why is that? I now carried a much heavier load. That was barely noticeable.

I had acquired several small pains that over time became mounting. I had bypassed several gates through various means, and this now wore. Fear now viral, smiles prohibited, the masses moved through the streets like cattle. Their movement inspiring to some, captivating to others, I questioned the motive. Who controls the herd, and where are they headed?

Intrinsic Value. Most don’t understand this concept. While they were depending on the numbers of the unseen to dictate their worth, I chipped away at the same numbers, turning them to rubble. Rubble stained red. It was with this rubble that I would construct the first structure.

A structure is great; the intrinsic value is greater. Everyone clung to their numbers, slave to their sway. I had no fear. I now knew complete destruction created complete freedom.

The finer the rubble, the greater it’s options; I now knew how to build. While they feared the collapse, I welcomed it. I invited the destruction. It was the delay that I resented.