Evolving read.write.as

We've kept read.write.as a simple space so far, as a foundation to help get your words out to the world, and give readers a place to go when they take a break from writing. It's since grown to include a deep, diverse set of writers on a whole range of topics. As it continues to grow, we're now ready to start moving on to our next phase.

Soon, we'll be taking a minor step and adding the option for content notes on your blogs. This will let you mark your public blog as “not safe for work,” for example, and will simply show that content note (instead of the post's preview) on read.write.as. Adding a note won't affect your blog in any way outside of RWA, that is, the note won't show up while someone is already on your blog or reading its posts. This is simply the first step of many in letting readers have more control over their reading experience.

Next, we'll add new reader-focused features that'll let you customize the experience more and spread your favorite writing farther. For example:

These and more features will form a flexible space where anyone can go to hear new perspectives on a variety of topics, all from the writers on Write.as — and eventually other places on the web, too.

If you'd like to see us reach our big goals, you can help by spreading the word about read.write.as:

As always, keep in touch and let us know what else you'd like to see.