Riding the clown waves

They call them happy waves, but the sufferers would beg to differ. They call them healing and necessary, but only happy clowns cry.

So hear this, my clownlets, clownlings, clownettes and ****** — it's now, now, now. Every clown knows it.

Nevermind the plot. Nevermind the plan. The weather is good in LA, says David. The weather is good — mostly everywhere. No makeup will run.

Anyway, happy surfing and hopefully, you know — not dying. Not yet, anyway, not any clown, although one supposes those who are done are done.

But this is the time to hold on. Hold on and watch for waves, easier catch every time.

The weather is good in LA. Golden sunshine. Golden sunshine everywhere.

Clown weather, for sure.

Ready? Deep breath now, and