e-Voting with Blockchain – DLT

In Switzerland, and other parts around the world, there are initiatives to have e-Voting in place. A system which makes it possible to vote/elect electronically.

Such a system has to cover a few requirements:

Only users with the right to vote should be able to cast a vote

Each voter should be able to vote only once

It should not be possible to associate a vote to a voter

Votes should not be able to be modified or destroyed

No voter should be able to prove the vote that he/she has casted

Anyone should be able to independently verify that all votes have been correctly counted

Voting systems should be able to be tested, audited and certifiable by independent agents

Voting systems should not restrict the voting place

Voting systems should be clear and transmit accuracy, precision, and security to voter

Voting systems should be always available during the voting period

Voting systems should be accessible by people with special needs and without requiring specific equipment or abilities

Voting systems should detect errors, faults and attacks and recover voting information to the point of failure

Kudos to https://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1296&context=amcis2019

Let us concentrate on these only:







Auditability and Certifiability

The other criteria I guess cannot be guaranteed by DLT but these other criteria are less security oriented, they are rather more availability oriented.

For easier understanding we take XRP as the base technology for the solution.

Let us check if a “slightly modified” XRP ledger could achieve the other security criteria:


The government “account” issues 1 token for each vote, see below, to each eligible account, could even be like an IOU with an “identifier” for the particular election, to make sure someone is not using unused tokens in a later election to cast 2 votes then.

We in Switzerland, with direct democracy, can sometimes vote more than one topics in the same voting session. So an identifier based token (or IOU) would make sense to uniquely identify that each YES/NO goes to the right place/result in the end.

Obviously the distribution of the private key to the proper people is a separate problem which has to be dealt with in the first place. This could be handled via a mobile app and 2FA authentication. We in Switzerland are currently building infrastructure for a SwissID


Only accounts which are eligible would have received the token in the first place. Hence only these can vote. This could be controlled by the government issuing the “voting token”.


As each vote would submit the token it could be easily verified if the user has voted/elected already, ie. his voting token balance is zero.


The actual vote could be encrypted the same way the transaction is signed. Only the receiving “account” could decrypt.


Encryption and consensus would take care of this, same as it does for the balance of XRP accounts.


By eliminating the actual transaction this could be achieved. This would mean that the vote receiving account would need to extract, more or less instantly, from the encrypted transaction the vote, add it to the “table of votes” and encrypt the table such that until certain criteria are met, eg. more than 1 candidate received votes, or both NO/YES received votes, and then delete the actual encrypted vote.

Maybe “eliminating” would not even be required as the vote would be encrypted and ONLY the receiver (ie. governement) could decrypt it.


Don't know how this could be achieved by DLT. But “paper” voting has the same problem. The vote counters can count wrong, whom can prove they counted wrong? Recount? Whom proves the recount was right? Recount?

Maybe some algorithm may be developed which would 100% make sure that votes were counted properly. One idea could be to create X encrypted votes for X vote counting servers. Those servers code could be hashed (same as @Codius does) to ensure integrity of the program code. If all vote counting servers reach the same result: we have guarantee it's valid!

Auditability and Certifiability

No doubt here.

What's your thought on this?

Could this be achieved?

best regards
