Rainforest in Brazil is burning badly. Really?

Were the fires a year ago in the Amazonas really that bad?

You tell me!

Here's the site from where I took the pictures. You can actually set the date on the lower left to show the situation at a specific date.

Let us compare the situation today in US (21-09-2020) and Brazil at the time (01-07-2019)



Zoom 1

Zoom 2



Zoom 1

Zoom 2

To clarify this

Amazonas (Wikipedia)

Same view on the NASA site

Now we “travel” from Rodonia to Matto Grosso

Rodonia (same Zoom as Zoom 2, 5km per roughly 1 cm of screen)

So tell me: where do you see km wide fires burning between Rodonia and Matto Grosso 01-07-2019? Cause I can't see any.

Now let's look at the state of Amazonas at that time

I wonder where that state got it's name from.

I urge you to count the red dots.

And now I ask again: show me the place(s) where km wide fires are burning 01-07-2019 in the state of Amazonas in Brazil.

Cause again: I can't find any