Structural racism

Please forgive me improper english, it's not my native language.

Don't assume I am a rassist. This article is (maybe) thought provoking to some, others might agree. I really want to find out where racism, or any other sort of minority suppression, starts. I am just asking questions.

Since George Floyd died in US after having been violantly taken down to the floor the #BLM (BlackLivesMatter) movement has taken over the whole world, at least as far as I can look.

Statues have been taken down, street names and products renamed.

Often we hear now: racism is structural.

I want to ask/know where does racism start?

Right now I think (to make it simple):

Where we start to help!

Why you ask? Poor and under developed countries need our help!

Do they really?

Says who?

Says the west!

Says the white people!

Was the black people ever asked if they want our help?

Why in the world did we bring “our” religion to Africa? Why in the world did we bring (at least tried in many places) development? Like fresh water, sanitary systems, hospitals, education.

Does Africa really want this? Did ANYONE really ask them: Do you want to believe in Jesus Christ? Do you want to go to school and if so, what do you want to learn there?

Maybe they were just really happy before we came and changed all that. Okay first was exploitation, but then came help.

This is a philosophical question:

Doesn't anyone who is helping someone else, impose to the one receiving help: I am better, I know better, I am in a better position.

By imposing this (our better position) on the one requiring help we also impose: you are weak (therefore you need help), you are stupid (therefore we tell you which religion and education you need).

IF, and I don't know the answer to this, IF racism is structural, then I think we, the white, should simply stop evading other countries like we know better what is good for them.

I know many would argue now: But clean water surely is better, science tells! Education and hospitals are surely a good thing, science tells! Does science tell this? Based on what? Based on numbers? Like longer life expectancy?

Did science ever ask: Are you happier with clean water? With education? With hospitals?

We, the white, in our arrogance assume: Surely anyone will answer “Yes” to those questions. Maybe, I don't know.

Let me bring some harder topics here:

Why do we, the white, need to change african culture to be similar to ours? Like stop circumcision of boys and girls.

Circumcision, and maybe other brutal, to us white people, rituals are part of their tradition.

Who are we to impose OUR tradition on them?

Who are we to think we are better?

Again: Better in what? In Being happy? Is it just me or do I see more happy faces on pictures of Africa than on pictures of the white world?

Suppression of women in islamic countries. Are they really suppressed? Are they unhappy in their role? Some maybe, if most were, then I am sure islamic countries would have developed otherwise.

Let me give you another example, as the ones given might not already convince you.

Cows! The whole (less vegans/vegetarians) west/white world eats beef. Yet for for over 1 billion people worldwide the cow is a sacred animal. Did you ever, I really mean EVER, hear any person from India complain that we eat their sacred animal?

They would have all the right in the world to complain and maybe kill us! They don't!

But if the same happens with dogs in Turkey, or other countries the western world thinks: how cruel! One does not eat dogs!

That's hypocritical! Because we eat the sacred animal for the believe of over 1 billion people.

So who are we again to impose on others what's right and what's wrong? I think THIS is the place where racism starts!

Maybe we should stop imposing our help and ask if they really want our help, and if so, in what terms.

Your thoughts? @iPinky77

Too simple? any other thought?