XRP Community: STOP Hyping

and start breathing (kudos to Raf)

You read Temenos, you start hyping. STOP it! Temenos is not just about payments! It's most likely their smallest business.

You read Finastra, you start hyping. STOP it! Finastra is not just about payments! It's most likely their smallest business.

You read Bluzelle, you start hyping. STOP it! Bluzelle has another core business than payments. sfds

You read R3 or Corda, you start hyping. STOP it! R3 is a company behind the open source Corda platform. Corda runs many distributed applications (DAPPs). Corda Settler is just one of them and for banks maybe the least interesting one.

You read Hyperledger, you start hyping. STOP it! Same as Corda is a platform, Hyperledger is a platform (actually more a framework) for various DLT solutions. Hyperledger Quilt, which helps integrate ILP, is just a tiny part of Hyperledger.

You read CBDC, you start hyping. STOP it! With or without CBDCs there will be a bridge currency required. There is NOTHING to hype about CBDCs. They won't make you rich, you won't even realize you are using them, same as using a credit card.

You read global liquidity crisis, you start hyping. STOP it! Yes XRP / ODL may prevent that or may help reducing the problem, but XRP / ODL does not rely on this, it is strong enough on its own.

You read Trump and trade deal, you start hyping. STOP it! XRP / ODL does not rely on this, it is strong enough on its own.

You read new global reserve currency, you start hyping. STOP it! Yes XRP may, most likely will be used, for value exchange, but it will never be used as denomination for value of products, which incidentally is a core characteristic from a reserve currency.

Shall I go on?

Galgitron (Website): are we on the same page here?