
“Jun, no, I said n—oof” Aize’s words were cut off by a pillow landing face first on her. She fell back, “Ow.. that hurt” she hisses rubbing her nose as if that hit had been extremely painful. Jun who was previously caught up with their pillow fight ran towards her, concern showing all over his face. “God, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” He squats down, intending to check on her.

She grins, a small shriek followed by a giggle left her lips as she tackles him down, intending on giving him a taste of his own medicine. Yet he manages to grab her by the waist making them both fall onto the stacks of pillow. Her laughs continue as they fell. She feels the soft pillows hit her back and him hovering above her. “Oi, playing like that is dirty, Ize” Jun traps her between his hands.

“It kinda worked though.” She manages to say before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down, body pressing against hers. He sighs and nuzzles against the crook of her neck arms sneaking their way around her back. Her eyes flutter close, enjoying the warmth of her lover as she runs her fingers through his locks.

“Jun.” Aize whispers, wrapping her arms around him. She sighs, giving him a slight squeeze similar to how her heart clenches, heavy with her feelings for this man. “Jun, you’re heavy.” She laughs, trying to avoid being overwhelmed by her own feelings.

She pushes him back, trying to switch their positions. Jun groans, displeased with her ruining his comfortable position. He flips over, pulling her to lay on top of him. “Much better.” She looks at him, fingertips grazing against his skin as she brushes away the locks of hair resting on his forehead. Purple eyes taking in his handsome features from his sharp eyes down to his perfectly shaped jawline.

“Stop staring.” Jun complains, a faint tint of red starting to creep up his cheeks. She let out a small laugh and murmurs “Sorry, can’t help it.”

Her fingers trails down face, resting on his cheek while she leans down to kiss his forehead. She feels him lean into her touch as she leaves a kiss on his nose, then his cheeks, then she lets her lips wonder to the tip of his reddened ears.

“Ize.” She hears him sigh, barely able to look at her properly. He doesn’t admit it but he can’t exactly says he hates being spoiled. In fact, one might say he enjoys it. It’s just he was never used to receiving so much, anymore and he feels like he could explode.

Aize only replies with a hum, leaving a last kiss on the corner of his lips, earning a groan of dissatisfaction from her lover. “Did you want a proper kiss?” She couldn’t miss how his lips quievered as she asks. His brows furrowed, upset with her question and he could no longer hide the red hue on his cheeks. ‘So cute’ she laughs to herself. With his build, he could very easily flip her over and have his way with her but there he was, frozen in place.

“You’re way too much sometimes, y’know?” He mumbles, looking everywhere but at her. “Mhm” she leans in again, this time properly pressing her lips against his. She feels him sigh before placing a hand on the back of her head, treading her dark locks, pushing her deeper. She pulls back to lay on his chest, listening to the heartbeat he swore is going to burst soon.

“You love me though.” She looks up at him, eyes filled with anticipation as if expecting him to give an answer. His reply came as soft whisper, accompanied by a kiss on the crown of her head.

“Yeah, I do”