
2 hours of only you and me "wooseok." wooseok menoleh ke kiri, dilihatnya jinhyuk yang sedang berjalan ke arah kasurnya. "kamu udah makan obat?" wooseok mengangguk, "udah." "mau makan, minum? kalau mau, aku beli," tawar jinhyuk. wooseok hanya menggeleng, "ga mau. ga ada selera." katanya lemah. jinhyuk khawatir. soalnya wooseok pucat banget, suaranya kedengaran begitu lemah. "maaf nyusahin kamu, terpaksa nemenin aku di sini." ujar wooseok perlahan namun kedengaran jelas di telinga jinhyuk. "nggak papa, seok. kamu kan temen aku." wooseok hanya tersenyum. dia menutup matanya perlahan. the sunlight through the window is hurting his eyes, along with his head. jinhyuk yang perasan terus menutup langsir dan jendela. dia kembali duduk di samping wooseok. matanya menatap wajah lelaki mungil itu. "hyuk." "hmm?" "bisa gak tolong bersihin muka aku. the makeup is bothering me. i can't move my face freely." pinta wooseok, masih dengan mata yang tertutup. "bisa, seok. mana alatnya?" "atas meja." jinhyuk mengambil kapas dan cleansing water dari dalam pouch berwarna putih. dia membasahkan kapas dengan sedikit cleansing water. "aku duduk di katil bentar ya" wooseok mengangguk perlahan. jinhyuk mengambil tempat duduk di samping badan wooseok yang terbaring, tepat di sisi perutnya. lengan wooseok yang menutup muka dialihkan. kapas yang sedikit basah disapu mula dari jidat lalu ke pipi wooseok. they don't say anything. this is the first time jinhyuk ever watch wooseok's face closely, in fact he never even touch wooseok's arm or hand before. jinhyuk wipes wooseok's face carefully and slowly, as if the smaller guy's face is a glass that is easily broken. jinhyuk does it while staring at wooseok's distinct features. he can't help but to smile. wooseok is undeniably beautiful, even with his eyes closed and pale face. he still manages to look pretty under the sunlight. jinhyuk then moves the cotton to wooseok's eyelids, then to the nose and he stops at the lips. "you are beautiful.." he says slowly while wiping the plump lips. wooseok's lips curls to a smile, "thank you." jinhyuk ketawa, "you're welcome."