Looking at the other side


I shall reduce video and audio consumption to slow down.

The books I want to finish keep piling up.

First step: changing YouTube usage.


With some conscious and sustained effort on my side, my sleeping pattern should go back to normal from now on.

Good sleep, paired with more physical activity and stricter meditation routine, would help to sharpen my mind. A sharp mind is necessary to execute some strategic professional moves this year.

I'm back to blogging every day, so, I'm going to stop using the #daily tag since it is now redundant.

The End.

Today was one of those shitty days.

A casual conversation at work triggered a myriad of negative thoughts and feelings that lasted for the rest of the day.

I have been dealing with these patterns long enough to know it has nothing to do with the topic of such conversation, instead, it is a bunch of core inner conflicts that remains unresolved.

But, before attempting to deal with those, I have to fix my sleeping patterns.


I was sipping my coffee besides the window at my workplace. After many cloudy and rainy days, this morning is sunny again.

The sun slowly evaporates the small puddles on the asphalt. For some reason, witnessing that had a soothing effect on me.


I woke up tired.

That usually means I'm stressed and the quality of my sleep takes a hit. When I lay down at night, it takes me a while to fall asleep.

I dream, a lot. Most of the time I don't remember the details, but I am sure I've dreamt a lot.

Today, I recall something, though. I was in front of my computer, reading a post with one picture and a single text line below that picture.

I woke up, it was 4:35 a.m. and I was puzzled by that scene.

Then, I fell asleep again, and I was there, in front of the monitor screen, reading the exact same post (same picture, same line).

Does that mean something? Maybe.


Recently, I found a trick to force myself to publish something every day, even in those days when I don't feel like writing.


#Daily #Log

Done (inverse order of importance): – Things for tomorrow's trip to Amsterdam ready. – PoC at work sent for review. – A long (delayed) letter for a dear friend delivered.

To Do: – Cleaning kitchen.

Final remarks: – Tired

The End.

Tags: #Daily #Log

Another boring post about work.

The implementation is pretty much done, but the code is a bit dirty.


Tags: #Daily #Log

Office day. And end of sprint.

Demo first thing in the morning, then, many meetings—review, planning, retrospective and so on. A few hours of actual work.


Tags: #Daily #Log

In the end, office work didn't happen. The level of sadness was too high and the anger too low. Not quite right to have a Sunday's coding session.