
Things I want to share, open to opinions and feedback

Curious to know if any artists struggle with the meaning of their work...

Painting is one of my main joys and passions, I focus mainly on incorporating words into my pieces, it helps me really present the meaning of the visuals.

More recently, as soon as I finish a piece, I can blatantly see what I was trying to do and the meaning behind it is obvious however, after a while coming back to look at it, it seems to have lost its meaning and I don't like it anymore... it feels useless.

Are there any artists out there who know about this and is the best way to prevent this to try a new method or style?

I recently entered a new chapter of my life with big changes and a whole new set of struggles. The positives currently outweigh the negatives however, the positives are beginning to become less positive as time goes on and situations develop; making it harder for me to feel comfortable every day.

I find myself at a standstill most days, personally, like I've suddenly forgot myself... the things I used to be certain of, I'm now less certain of. This wouldn't be such a struggle for me if there wasn't so much pressure from every angle of my life to have my sh*t together.

I'm learning as I get older (I just had a birthday) that there are parts of me I didn't know about until now, I accept that this is part of growing and I welcome it.

Wondering if anyone else has struggled with this and how they learned/are learning to manage it to be able to function every day.