Crafted Emacs Update

This will be a bit of a shorter update on the Crafted Emacs project. Nothing changed from last month on the current version, but a lot has changed on the major changes discussed in my last post.

Updates to modules

Crafted Emacs v2 Alpha. That's what I'm calling it. It's very alpha at the moment. I have worked through all of the modules at this point. The first pass was to accomplish several goals:

Removed early-init.el and init.el

With our focus changing from being a “starter kit” to being a set of configurations to quickly craft your own configuration, we don't need startup files. Those are provided by the user. That said, there is a little structure that we assume, so I have both of these files as examples and have commented them heavily to illustrate how someone might approach writing their own.


There are some expectations, like the custom-file is loaded first so we can have the package-selected-packages value initialized before using any of the crafted-*-packages modules.

We also need to know where the user cloned the crafted-emacs project, so these two lines are needed very early in the init.el file, before using any other crafted modules:

(load "~/crafted-emacs/modules/crafted-emacs-home-config")
(load "~/crafted-emacs/modules/crafted-init-config")

The first defines a variable, then the second is able to use that fact to find the file where it is defined and set the crafted-emacs-home value to the project-root of that file. Or the user can just set it manually, either way, that variable needs a value before we do anything with the modules. The crafted-init-config also takes a moment to update the load-path so the modules can be found later.

Once all of the appropriate crafted-*-packages modules are loaded, then the packages listed in the package-selected-packages need to be installed. I assume use of package.el so that is just a call to package-install-selected-packages. I have a crafted-package-config module with helper functions for this as well. If the user chooses a different package manager, there are a couple of variables which can be set before using the helpers I provide. Otherwise, just iterate over the list and install the packages. For example, this might work (maybe…):

(mapc #'straight-use-package package-selected-packages)

Once the packages are installed, then they need to be configured, which is where the user would then load any of the crafted-*-config modules needed. So the order might look something like this:

(when (and custom-file (file-exists-p custom-file)) (load custom-file))

(load "~/crafted-emacs/modules/crafted-emacs-home-config")
(load "~/crafted-emacs/modules/crafted-init-config")

(require 'crafted-completion-packages)

;; ...


;; ...

(require 'crafted-completion-config)

Plans of more things to come

There is still much to do:

While I say things are probably not working, I do have a working configuration I'm using to do the development. It still loads pretty fast, but I don't have my full configuration there (yet). Once I get through more of these changes and the dust settles a bit, I'll move to a “beta” level and start looking for help getting across the finish line so it can be “released”. Which in this case really just means renaming a couple branches since this work will likely not merge to master without significant effort. That is still some time in the future.

Tags: #emacs