
#Boring Day

Today was an uneventful day. Did more work on the tree that fell in the backyard. It’s just about finished up. Need to figure out how I’m getting rid of all the wood but other than that it wasn’t a bad day.

Really need to get some more work done on my portfolio redo. Going to make some decent changes but it’s taking a while since I don’t have much free time due to the house fixes that need done. Hoping the next couple days will grant me enough time to get some of the major things done for it.

Need to get my projects area figured out so I can display the projects I have built and also need to figure out the contact area. I have some ideas and things I want to try and implement but just need the time to do it. Going to hopefully finish before I have to go back to regular work on Friday. We shall see.

Day 3 of #100DaysToOffload


Well it’s Day 2 of this whole deal. Nothing spectacular today. Moved an outlet for a dryer which was interesting. Had to relocate because the builder put a stove outlet in and put it directly above the dryer vent pipe so the power cord for the dryer was losing connection; which caused the dryer not to heat up. Had to cut a new hole in the wall and install a new outlet. Not too difficult.

Then I spent the rest of the day installing a new garbage disposal since the previous one was leaking. Never done much plumbing work but this was a good learning experience. Overall everything works so not too bad of a day.

Looking forward to more work tomorrow clearing up the fallen tree from the storms a couple weeks ago. Need to get more coding done on my portfolio redo but that isn’t a priority at the moment. House is. Love my family but have to do better career wise so web development is the goal.


#Portfolio Redo

Today I took the first step towards my portfolio redo. I decided to build it in React for two reasons.

  1. If it was going to be static then why not use React to break things down into components.

  2. I need to learn to use React outside of tutorial purgatory.

So I started it up and got to work. So far I have the basic layout just about finished and styling is going good. I have been getting snagged a few times and instead of rushing to videos to help, I have went to the documentation and regular queries through StackOverflow. So far it’s going good, have a few hiccups that I have to figure out but overall I’m pleased with the progress that I have made. Responsive design is going to be a big learning process for me with React but I know that if I take my time and get into the documentation I think I’ll be ok and can make it happen.

Day 1 of #100DaysToOffload

#Portfolio Redo#

Today I took the first step towards my portfolio redo. I decided to build it in React for two reasons.

  1. If it was going to be static then why not use React to break things down into components.

  2. I need to learn to use React outside of tutorial purgatory.

So I started it up and got to work. So far I have the basic layout just about finished and styling is going good. I have been getting snagged a few times and instead of rushing to videos to help, I have went to the documentation and regular queries through StackOverflow. So far it’s going good, have a few hiccups that I have to figure out but overall I’m pleased with the progress that I have made. Responsive design is going to be a big learning process for me with React but I know that if I take my time and get into the documentation I think I’ll be ok and can make it happen.

Day 1 of #100DaysToOffload