Random Thoughts and Links for the week ending on July 31, 2002


For several weeks I've been using Obsidian as my notetaking/personal knowledge management tool. I won't get into it too much in this post, as it can be a post all on its own. But I bring it up because a) I'm using Obsidian to write up this blog post on my Surface Duo 2, and b) the practice of writing daily notes in Obsidian makes it easier for me to share interesting stuff I've come across this week.

I wrote a little bit about how I love using Obsidian on my Duo 2 for notetaking because of how easy it is to have, for example, a book on one screen, and Obsidian on the other screen for instant access to take notes.

You can read more about my thoughts in this short Mastodon thread.

And now, some random links from my daily notes for this week: