
PICOT and the Evidence Search Process ===================================== #### NR 501: Introduction to Theory The evidence search process can be challenging for physicians. It [online custom writing services](https://www.writinkservices.com/) a long time to identify and interpret relevant papers. It is also difficult to find high-quality articles. Using a combination of databases has been shown to improve the retrieval of relevant papers. Problem : PICOT --------------- The PICOT format is a framework that helps clinicians create answerable research questions. It can be used to identify relevant evidence in order to improve healthcare outcomes. It can also help clinicians make informed decision-making regarding patient care. However, there are several important issues with PICOT that must be addressed before the results of a search can be considered valid. Many of these problems are caused by poorly formed PICOT questions. These mistakes can be made either inadvertently or intentionally. In the case of inadvertent [NR 351 Week 4](https://www.writinkservices.com/nr-351-week-4-professional-paper-worksheet-assignment/), they occur because people do not understand the value of the PICOT question or how to write one correctly. Intentional mistakes often occur because people want to find evidence to support their own ideas. This can be problematic for EBP because it can result in a biased search that does not uncover the best evidence. These problems can be avoided by using a PICOT-based approach to research. Solution : PICOT ---------------- When PICOT is well understood, it becomes an invaluable tool for clinicians and researchers. However, many people misunderstand the PICOT model and how to use it. This leads to incorrect research and a flawed EBP process. A PICOT question helps researchers plan their search strategy based on a clearly-stated clinical question. They can then narrow their search by finding keywords that are relevant to their question. Finally, they can decide which type of study is most appropriate for the question. This might be a meta-analysis, systematic review, randomized controlled trial,  [Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)](https://www.writinkservices.com/nr439-week-3-problem-picot-evidence-search-ppe/), case-control study or another design. RNs interested in improving patient outcomes and quality of care should consider using the PICOT process to help them develop an answerable research question. This will make the research process much easier and less time-consuming. Using a well-formulated PICOT question is an essential skill for evidence-based practice, especially since it will help you find the best studies to inform your decisions and practices. Result : PICOT -------------- Whether they’re finishing advanced nursing school or working in a professional clinical setting, RNs begin their search for evidence with a well-constructed PICOT question. The mnemonic format outlines the patient population, intervention, comparison, and outcome of a research query. PICOT is an important tool for identifying the right statistical test to answer your research question. Click on one of the links below to learn about when and how a particular statistical test should be used, and see a diagram of how the components of a PICOT research [NR 447 Week 3 Conflict Resolution Paper](https://www.writinkservices.com/nr-447-week-3-conflict-resolution-paper/) can be “mapped” onto that choice of statistical test. You can also use the PICOT model to structure your Cochrane Reviews search. To do so, make sure your search mode is set to Boolean/Phrase and that your terms are entered exactly as you want them to appear in the search box. This will ensure that you get results that match your question. You can also refine your search results by adding limiters to the search box. Conclusion : PICOT ------------------ PICOT is a consistent "formula" for developing answerable, searchable questions that will result in an effective literature search. It appears simple, but writing an appropriate question can be difficult. Whether they are finishing advanced nursing studies or working in a clinical setting, RNs should learn to use the PICOT process to develop a research query that will help them find an answer. For example, a nurse could pose the PICOT question: 'Do disruptions during court order medication rounds increase medications errors made by nurses?' Then, the nurse would formulate a hypothesis to test the research question. The research question should be [NR 501 Week 2 Reflective Essay](https://www.writinkservices.com/nr-501-week-2-reflective-essay/) and concise and include all elements of the PICOT process - patient, intervention, comparison, and outcome. It should also be specific enough to enable an effective search for relevant evidence. The example above describes a factorial RCT methodology, but other study designs are also amenable to the PICOT format. These include systematic reviews, N-of-1 RCTs, and a number of other individual patient focus designs.