By Helen

Sticks and stones may break my bones But words will never hurt me. ~ English Language Children's Rhyme

Words will never hurt me; except, of course, when they do. Words hold the power to harm in special ways. They are instruments of arguments, accusations, and insults. They’re what articles of impeachment are made of; broken vows and promises.

Words, and the punctuation between them, have been the center of lawsuits. Guilty. One little word; so much import.

So powerful are words that when they hurt beyond measure, our only recourse is denial. Words can never hurt me.

Maybe it’s time to revise our little rhyme. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can deeply hurt me.

If it’s true that words hold great power to inflict harm, it’s also true that words possess the power to heal. They’re the stuff that pledges, proclamations, and apologies are made from. Imagine a world devoid of love letters, novels, and lyrics.

Maybe it’s time to revise our little rhyme. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can harm or heal me. Choose them wisely.