Working with the Gantt Chart in Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a powerful project management tool that helps managers and teams plan, manage, and track project progress. One of its most useful features is the Gantt chart, a visual representation of a project’s schedule. This article will guide you through working with Gantt charts in Microsoft Project, step by step, and provide some general tips for using Microsoft Project effectively.

Introduction to Gantt Charts

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that represents a project schedule. It shows the start and finish dates of the various elements of a project. Gantt charts are incredibly useful for visualizing the timeline of tasks, understanding dependencies, and tracking the progress of a project. If you want to find an alternative to Microsoft Project with Gantt chart, but for some reason you don’t like it, then pay attention to these tools: Ganttic, and GanttProject. If these alternatives to Microsoft Project are not suitable for you, then a more complete list is here.

Step-by-Step Guide to Working with Gantt Charts in Microsoft Project

1. Setting Up Your Project

Before creating a Gantt chart, you need to set up your project in Microsoft Project. Here’s how:

a. Create a New Project:

b. Enter Project Information:

2. Entering Tasks

Tasks are the building blocks of your Gantt chart. Each task represents a single activity or step in your project.

a. Add Tasks:

b. Set Task Durations:

c. Set Start and Finish Dates:

3. Organizing Tasks with Summary Tasks

Summary tasks are used to group related tasks together. This helps in organizing the project and provides a clearer view of the project structure.

a. Create Summary Tasks:

4. Setting Task Dependencies

Dependencies are the relationships between tasks. They determine the order in which tasks need to be completed.

a. Link Tasks:

b. Define Dependency Types:

5. Adjusting the Gantt Chart View

You can customize the Gantt chart to better suit your needs.

a. Change Timescale:

b. Customize Bars:

6. Tracking Progress

Once your project is underway, you need to track the progress to ensure that everything is on schedule.

a. Enter Actual Start and Finish Dates:

b. Update Percent Complete:

c. Baseline the Project:

7. Managing Resources

Managing resources effectively is crucial for the successful completion of your project.

a. Assign Resources to Tasks:

b. Level Resources:

8. Using Advanced Features

Microsoft Project offers several advanced features that can help you manage your project more effectively.

a. Create Custom Fields:

b. Use Filters:

c. Generate Reports:

General Tips for Working with Microsoft Project

1. Understand the Basics

Before diving into complex projects, make sure you understand the basic features of Microsoft Project. Familiarize yourself with the interface and practice with simple projects.

2. Use Templates

Microsoft Project offers several templates that can save you time. Use these templates as a starting point and customize them according to your project requirements.

3. Keep it Simple

While Microsoft Project has many advanced features, it’s important to keep your project plan as simple as possible. Overcomplicating the plan can make it difficult to manage and update.

4. Regularly Update the Schedule

Make sure to update your project schedule regularly. This helps in keeping track of progress and making necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

5. Communicate with Your Team

Regular communication with your team is crucial for the success of your project. Use Microsoft Project to share updates and collaborate effectively.

6. Use Baselines

Setting baselines is a great way to track the progress of your project. By comparing the current progress with the baseline, you can identify deviations and take corrective actions.

7. Leverage Reports

Use the reporting features in Microsoft Project to generate insights into your project. Regularly review these reports to monitor progress and identify potential issues.

8. Training and Resources

Take advantage of the training resources available for Microsoft Project. There are many online tutorials, courses, and forums where you can learn more about using the tool effectively.


Working with Gantt charts in Microsoft Project can significantly improve your project management capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide and applying the general tips, you can effectively plan, manage, and track your projects. Microsoft Project is a robust tool that, when used correctly, can help you achieve project success.

Remember, the key to successful project management is not just using the right tools but also applying the right techniques and maintaining clear communication with your team. Happy project managing!