Common Childhood Fantasylands We Wish to Escape To

Because I am an avid list maker (I swear it's an actual addiction. I pretty sure like more than 50% of my blog posts are lists), I made a list of all the common childhood story fantasy places that people say they'd like to escape to whenever real life gets too much.

Hogwarts Hate school? Logical Solution: go to another school. It seems like a lot of fun. I for one, would like to FINALLY get sorted into a house. Eating in the Oxfords-esque hall, learning magic, flying on broomsticks, going to quidditch games – sounds like a grand time to me.

Narnia I still keep looking in every closet hoping to find that place. A GIRL CAN DREAM.

Neverland Mermaid lagoon, pirate ship, Indians. Think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings.


Wonderland Curiosity killed the cat.

How many times do you hear “I wish I was at Hogwarts” or “I wish I was in Narnia” or “I wish I was in Neverland”? Funny thing is why do we want to be there in the first place? These places are so dangerous and have a lot more problems than we do. Hogwarts — you have to face He-Who-Shall Not-Be-Named. Narnia — they fight battles and wars like all the time and you have worry about your literal livelihood. Neverland is no child's game either. Peter Pan can be a jackass, Tinkerbell can literally kill you, mermaids will drown you, there's a Captain Hook, a human-eating crocodile and a Tiger Lily that will flirt with your crush. Talk about a hazardous place. No wonder Wendy was so eager to get home. In Oz, you'll be constantly chased by the wicked witch and lions, tigers and bears and it's impossible to get home. And nobody wants to be beheaded by the Red Queen in Wonderland.

Stretch dem leg muscles Hook. Yer gettin a free workout!

It seems like in every one of these stories, the main character gets there and be like “nope, I wanna go back home.” There's no place like home

In the mean time, I'll be creating my own fantasyland and this time the character's gonna like it so much that they'll want to stay there forever. Meanwhile, I'll be saving up my money to go to Hawaii or something. Now that's where the real paradise is. Ahhhhh

That's all!
