Things I Love More Because of Movies

The Ocean – Moana I always loved the ocean. But Moana made me love the sea even more, to the point of possible obsession.

The Cold – Frozen I didn't really love the cold, but now I appreciate the cold, snow and winter even more because of this movie.

Pacific Northwest – Twilight This is why I love the movie so much. Not because Taylor Lautner is hot, but because Twilight made me fall in love with the Pacific Northwest.

This goes to show how powerful movies and the media are. They can really affect your outlook on something and the way you perceive the world around you.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's more but I can't remember them off the top of my head atm. So I'll come back and add to this list as soon as I remember them.

That is all.
