Why Frozen Is Still Better Than Tangled


Ever since Frozen came out, much has been debated on how the favorite modern classic compares to its sister movie, Tangled.

People say Tangled is better because it’s more feminist and shows equal teamwork between the two genders, while Frozen is more like, “Screw men, girl power!” The characters in Tangled also fall in love in a more realistic timeline than the other Disney princesses.

While those on Team Tangled have valid points, I'm here to show you why Frozen is still better than Tangled. Or at least why I still love Frozen more than Tangled and why it speaks to me more.

Part I: Frozen is more than just feminism.

1. Family loyalty

What really bothers me about the 2010 live action version of Alice in Wonderland and other stories about dysfunctional families is how the sisters treat each other. Anne Hathaway's character tells her sister that she's done so many bad things that she deserves to die and sentences her to a life in prison. What type of sister does that?

Instead, Frozen emphasizes family values. Anna sticks up for Elsa with fierce loyalty, even when the rest of the world has turned away from her. “She's my sister,” Anna says as she insists on finding Elsa. “She will never hurt me.”

Meanwhile, Elsa does whatever she thinks is best for Anna, even if it means hurting Anna's feelings when she doesn't want to play with her because she thinks her ice powers are too dangerous. Although Elsa runs away, leaving Anna behind, Elsa has the best intentions. She just wants to protect Anna.

Anna always believes in Elsa even when Elsa doesn't believe in herself. Whenever Elsa says “No, I can't,” Anna replies “I know you can!” Strong sisterly bonds and women who support each other, believe in each other, and care about each other are good role models for young girls.

2. No clear villain

Elsa was originally supposed to be the “villain” in the story until Lopez wrote “Let it Go.” Elsa now instead has a caring heart but struggles with her fears and is misunderstood by others.

The only person who comes close to being a villain is Hans or maybe the Duke of Weselton but since they are minor characters, they don't really count. Frozen's lack of a clear villain is what makes the characters dimensional and real, and the story rich in complexity but still easy for children to grasp. Perhaps it even makes the story a little less scary and a little more compassionate towards the human experience. I remember being totally creeped out by the evil queen in Snow White when I was a kid and I'm sure Mother Gothel would have been just as frightening.

3. About letting go and embracing yourself

Frozen is about a journey in discovering yourself.

All her life, Elsa hid her powers because she was taught to. She was taught that she couldn't be different, to conform, and to hide her true self. “Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show” she repeats. Only when Elsa finally frees herself in “Let it Go” does Elsa really create something amazing, an ice castle that is. And it's when Anna brings her back does Elsa discover that her powers can be good, not bad, if she believes in herself. A similar analogy could be applied to other aspects of life. When you are confident in who you are, your personality will shine.

Elsa's situation is often compared to mental illness. Elsa hiding in her room even though she really wants to build a snowman is similar to someone who really wants to participate in life but doesn't because they're struggling with depression.

Part II: Entertainment Value

4. Cinematography

Don't get me wrong, Tangled does have some lovely scenery of its own.

My favorite scene in Tangled, the Kingdom Dance.

However, Frozen's cinematic style is far superior to Tangled's. Frozen has several gorgeous, breathtaking, awe-inspiring shots. Frozen is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also unique. It really plays on its whimsical wintery theme, bringing out the essence and majestic beauty of ice and snow, which makes Frozen really stand out from other Disney films.

Even the characters look impressed.

Every scene is Frozen is beautiful.

Featuring a consistent color scheme, a lovely array of blue, purple, and white. Swirls, patterns and more, oh my!

It's a movie that makes you WANT to be there. After watching Frozen, I had the urge to go to Norway.

Seriously who doesn't want to be here in this gorgeous place?

Frozen's cinematic spectacle really can’t be beat.

How can ANYTHING be compared to this wondrous enchantment???

Or this?

5. Better Costumes

We all know that little girls watch Disney movies because they like looking at pretty dresses so this is important.

Rapunzel just wears a simple purple dress throughout the entire movie.

Meanwhile, Elsa and Anna rock dresses that again, build on the beautiful winter theme.

Elsa's iconic dress is just so glamorous and shiny and pretty.

Anna looks adorable in her pigtails and winter attire. Her coronation dress is just as lovely.

6. Elsa builds her own castle.

Let me repeat. Elsa. Builds. Her. Own. Fucking. Castle. A Beautiful Castle. Made of Ice. With her own hands. How epic is that? Do you know any other Disney characters that builds a castle? Bonus points for Frozen.

Complete with a fountain may I add.

7. Music

Again, Tangled does have some good music like “Kingdom Dance”, “When Will My Life Begin,” and “I See the Light.”

But Frozen has better songs like the powerfully moving “Let it Go”, which builds the base and theme for the story. Along with “For the First Time in Forever”, “Love is an Open Door”, and “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman”, the songs in Frozen are clearly better written with better melodies.

In conclusion, I still can't let go (pun intended) of how great and awesome Frozen is.

TL;DR Tangled is good. But Frozen is still better.

That is all, The Blogger

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