
5 Signs That You Might Be Suffering from Depression

Depression affects many people and their lives in many different ways. There are, however, some signs that can signal depression. Depression does not only affect mental health but it can also have an effect on physical health. If you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs, then it's important to seek help to get better. ### 1\. Change in Mood or Pessimism The change in mood or pessimism is a common symptom of depression. There are some changes in behavior that can help you identify if someone is depressed. The person may be less talkative, very social, or highly energetic. There are also some common depression symptoms listed on the Depression Symptoms list page. These include sleeping difficulties, loss of appetite, and weight loss or gain. The person with depression may have one of three personality types: apathetic, irritable, or anxious. ### 2\. Lack of Interest in Activities They Normally Enjoy Symptoms of mental illness vary from person to person. However, some symptoms are more common than others. Some of the more common signs include not feeling good about oneself, negative thoughts about the future, and recurring thoughts or behaviours that are unusual or unpleasant. People with mental illnesses report experiencing a range of signs and symptoms. These can include: -Feeling sad or empty much of the time -Feeling more irritable than usual or being short-tempered for no reason -Being unable to stop worrying about things that have happened in the past or that might happen in the future -Having trouble concentrating on anything for very long periods of time These are just a few examples of what people with mental illnesses might experience. They can also have physical problems like ### 3\. Lack of Energy or Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition where you're always tired and fatigued, and it affects your work and other aspects of your life. It's not the same as having a bad day or feeling run-down after a long week. Symptoms: Feeling tired or fatigued all the time, difficulty sleeping, muscle pain, joint pain, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty concentrating or remembering things (cognitive impairment), headaches (especially migraines), depression ### 4\. Difficulty Sleeping The problem of not sleeping and the medications that people take to resolve the issue is a hot topic. What is insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep as well as feeling unrefreshed upon waking. "Over 40 million Americans suffer from chronic insomnia, which can lead to other health risks such as heart disease and stroke." Common causes include stress, depression, shift work, jet lag and menopause. How much sleep do we need? The average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night in order to function well and remain healthy. But children and teens need more than 8 hours on average while adults over 65 need less than 7 hours on average. ### 5\. Feeling Worthless or Guilty All the Time Some people who have depression also feel guilty about it. This is because they believe that they deserve to feel depressed, for example for things like not having done enough work or not taking care of themselves. Guilt is often experienced as a result of harm or wrongdoing that someone has done. A person who has depression might feel guilty for not doing enough work or taking care of themselves, which can make them feel even worse A person with depression might be more likely to engage in self-destructive behaviour (e.g., binge drinking) or engage in negative behaviors (e.g., staying home and avoiding social contact). These behaviors can make the person worse ### Conclusion: Seek for help with your depression, before it's too late! There are many ways in which people can seek help for their depression, but there are some things you need to keep in mind when seeking help. First off, it's important that you find a therapist or psychologist who you feel comfortable with and trust. Be open about your feelings with this person so they know what current situation you're dealing with and what your goals are for treatment. Next, it's important not to be afraid of seeking. Depression is a mental health issue which needs to be treated as soon as possible, so you can get back to living life with joy and happiness. There are many ways to help yourself out of depression, but the most important thing is that you seek for help before it's too long too late. **What's your opinion? [Write me your thoughts!](https://8dg3swzfiq8.typeform.com/to/a5ThTOLM)**