Portrait #9: Woman in Red

Next portrait and I love the alarming red color in combination with the facial expression. It is very sensual and passionate, but also implies danger. The way I look up to this almost intimidating woman which observes me through her lashes mezmerizes me. The colors are blending nicely and I found a really nice balance between watercolors and colored pencil. The hair is so pitch black that you can't even see single strands. The hair is literally absorbing the light and merges into the strong black outlines. It is a picture of sheer strength and I was really excited the moment I finished it.

In this video you can find how I drew and painted this piece. In the subscription only content I will provide you a list of the materials I used plus an additional video where I explain my single steps.

But before we start:

This piece is just one step on my way of mastering art. I change the media and I want to be able to create different styles of art pieces. Follow me on my journey here on Coil and on Twitter.



And here is the video:


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