
• Congress nor the several States shall make no law abridging the right to consume, procure, or produce for personal consumption any substance or chemical an individual may please, even if it is for the purpose of ending the person's life. This act shall immediately pardon and render any current sentences for offenses violating State and Federal Controlled Substance Act to be void and persons so convicted shall have their civil rights restored.

• End corporate personhood

• Enshrining marriage rights regardless of sexual orientation

• Established individual right to bodily autonomy. This includes limits on the federal government forcing medical procedures and vaccination as well as the federal / state government barring abortion before viability. I’m sure there’s a million issues raised by this, body it should clearly be individual right in my opinion. In lieu of this I could actually see a case for this being upon a right to self defense, but again not a lawyer.

• Explicit Privacy

• Explicitly banning winner-take-all voting in the Electoral College, and explicitly banning tying the Electoral college to the popular vote. Requiring states to pass laws to elect two at-large Presidential electors and one for each Congressional district for every Presidential election. Don't like who your elector voted for President? Vote them out the next time. • Full equal rights between everyone; men and woman, straights and gays, etc

• I am dictator for life.

• I would propose a couple of general improvements through amendment:

  1. No sitting president, in any 4 year term, shall nominate more than 2 permanent supreme court justices. In the event more than 2 seats become available in a term, the president may nominate a temporary justice, who may then be elevated to a permanent role within the next presidential term or replaced depending on the next president of the United States.

The goal of this amendment would be to remove some of the pressure around POTUS and SCOTUS nominations and remove some of the dumb luck involved with who dies / resigns when.

  1. The senate, upon receiving a nomination for the supreme court, must act within 30 days with a vote to either accept or reject the nomination.

The goal here would be to eliminate the McConnell / Garland fiasco.

  1. The size of the Supreme Court should be fully codified at 9 justices.”

• Interstate commerce does in fact mean interstate commerce, not intrastate.

• Make political views a protected class.

• N/A

• Nationalize the Maine-Nebraska system of distributing electoral votes and mandate a compactness standard for each congressional district.

• Neither Federal, nor state, nor local government may act to prevent an individual from partaking in any activity, which does not cause physical harm, property damage, or contract violation with another.

• New ammendment to return the selection of senators to the state legislateures. This would return the balance to congress and return the voices of the states to the states in our national politics instead of having super representatives. Additionally this would force more people to focus on local and state level politics to influence the selection of senators.

• No government or person may deny someone their right to life, unless their own life or that of others is at risk. Recognize beginning at conception and ending at a natural death.

• Presidential election should be determined by popular vote and not via the electoral college.

• Probably something to limit the commerce clause powers of Congress, and something enshringing 60 votes as required in the senate to pass legislation

• Repeal 17th amendment

• Repeal the 11th Amendment

• Right to privacy

• Setting SCOTUS judges at 9 judges with a 30 year term limit.

• Single subject matter for all legislation similar to what exists in many state constitutions.

• Some way of limiting federal criminal jurisdiction

• Term limits for Supreme Court justices AND congressmen

• That any legislator who voted for a law later ruled unconstitutional would forever forfeit his right to hold public office at any level

• Unicameral legislature where representatives are chosen by the party. The parties are proportionally selected by the voters in each state based on their platform/policies (e.g. Democrats get 50% of the votes in CA, so Democratic Party select 50% of the reps from that state and so on). This would give opening to alternative parties and mean coalitions a la Europe.

I would also make the president subject to confidence votes from their party and they would get tossed if they lose the confidence vote.

Finally, once per term the president is allowed to call snap elections within 9 months after their inauguration or 1 year after the midterm elections.”

• Unsure

• Voting laws: 1) Voter ID. 2) Election Day is a National Holiday. 3) Voter rolls must be checked/purged yearly.

• Voting rights: explicit right to vote, Ban partisan gerrymandering, give representation to DC, replace the electoral college with a popular vote, allow reasonable campaign finance laws, require uniform felon voting rules for federal elections

• Women shall have equal rights in the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. That includes but is not limited to women being able to make medical choices for themselves, which includes the right to removing an unwanted or unhealthy fetus.