
Happiest birthday to my happiness.

Dear Mark Lee, How do I tell you that it is a beautiful thing that despite the chaos, you still choose to be a strong pillar? You must have shaken so much of your thoughts away, shoving down words and swallowing up tears. I’m sorry they slowly turned into seeds, planted in you like a tree you had to nurture, to let them grow inside you, wrapping itself around you in it’s own permanence.

But you aren’t the little prince and you shouldn't have had to carry all of that. life might be growing out of you. Teenage years went by flash, then next your twenties will be a book read in one sitting. And you’ve always been so conscious about translating mishaps into lessons, of trying to take things more slowly. And in spite of searching for everything in the middle of the night or early mornings, you dissolve all terrible things into unspeakable comfort. How beautiful your words be, like a welcome home with all its wounds, like: ah there you are let me love you in kindness.

So for your birthday this year, I hope you’ll feel the feeling of finding something familiar in the midst of unfamiliarity. I hope you’ll feel the feeling of silence after too much of everything, the kind of silence that doesn’t ask for much, a kind of comfortable silence. A feeling of a clean slate. A feeling of knowing everything is going to be okay. Because to me you are someone I cherish, respect, and someone I look up to. To me you are everything beautiful in this life and I wish you will always be surrounded by love and happiness.

And at last, I hope time will heal you, as there’s still so much of the world for you to walk through and I’d love to be there with you until the end. I may not be the strongest person but for you, I’ll stay strong so anytime you need a pillar to lean on, I’ll be there.

Happy birthday Mark Lee. I loved you💙

Special essay to my favorite person who has her 18th birthday, Ten-chan.

Happiest birthday to my teenager baby.
Dear Ten-chan,

Oh I can't believe it's already your 18th birthday! I don't know why time goes by so fast, right? I feel that just yesterday we celebrated your sweet seventeen, and now we have entered a new age. How can I tell you that it feels like I'm raising a child. I started getting to know you when you were 13 years old (and you looked like a child!). now you have grown into a very very cool girl!

Thank you for your hard work so far. Being a pillar of the group and also a model at a young age, I know it's not easy. But, once again I will say from the bottom of my heart a sentence of thanks to you!

So, for your birthday this year, I hope you can discover many more new things in your life. Let's keep running with Sakurazaka46 and Buddies who are always around you.

Ten-chan, a little baby who is afraid of cute furry animals, likes reptiles, likes taking pictures and is good at using a camera, and is a turtle lover.

Ten-chan, the little baby Buddies who is now a senior in her group. You will always be our baby.

Ten-chan, the little baby who has become the pillar of the Sakurazaka46 group, she has worked very hard.

And finally, I hope time will heal you, as there's still so much of the world for you to walk through and I'd love to be there with you until the end. I may not be the strongest person but for you, I'll stay strong so whenever you need a pillar to lean on, I'll be there.

Happy birthday Yamasaki Ten🐢🤍 大好き だよ!

私の十代の赤ちゃんへの誕生日おめでとう。 親愛なる天ちゃんへ,

ああ、もう18歳の誕生日だなんて信じられない!なぜ時間がこんなに早く過ぎてしまうのか分かりません。昨日、皆さんの素敵な17歳を祝ったばかりですが、今、私たちは新しい時代に入ったように感じます。まるで子育てをしているような気分だと、なんと言えばいいでしょうか。私があなたを知り始めたのは、あなたが 13 歳のときでした (そして、あなたは子供に見えました!)。今、あなたはとてもとても素敵な女の子に成長しました!







お誕生日おめでとう、山﨑天🐢🤍 大好き だよ!
