
• A change to how nation wide injunctions work. I'd make it so circuits don't have the power to issue them

• All trials should be live streamed or televised. Including the federal court.

• As indicated earlier more benches. A single bench is wholly inadequate for a caseload a nation of 330+ million presents. Critical questions and cases are necessarily being held or denied cert due to workload. Make 3 benches with each case being randomly assigned 7 justices from the Pool Of Justice

• Claimant should always pay legal costs of the defense if they lose.

• consider appointing justices that aren't from rich or privileged backgrounds (like how the justices are concentrated in prestigious law school backgrounds in Yale or Harvard)

• Expand the use of 3 judge district courts to apply to universal injunctions

• Find a way to speed up the process; lawsuits taking 5 years to decide should violate the Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

• Free PACER

• Get rid of televised nomination hearings. They’re a waste of time and just for show.

• I should be Chief Justice.

• I wish there was a way to fast track it the majority of the time, but I don’t know enough to make any suggestions.

• I'd like if they included a 2-3 sentence summary of the decision at the start of the opinion so lay people know what actually was decided.

• Increase number of district Court judges

• Judges who rule against an individuals liberty in cases where no person was harmed should be financially liable for damages to the individual

• Kick off Sotomayor

• Limit the number of emergency orders to be granted by each sitting judge. You get one or two per term, so you better use them wisely.

• Limit to nationwide injunctions

• N/A

• Nationwide injunctions should only issue from one District (probably DC).

• Remove injunctions as they currently are practiced, the idea of a universal injunction when it clearly isn’t valid is absurd.

• Reveal who votes for/against certiorari, either upon being granted, or at the end of the term.

• Split the 9th Circuit

• Standard set of justices and timelines for the cuircit courts. Example is the 9th cuicuit appears to have alot of institutional issues that delay cases they dont want to hear in addition to them beeing too big. This does not allow for the sperdy application of justice to cases. Also too many hands can make coming to an adequate opinion impossible. This would also prevent the state which should have higher standards due to the power and resource differential from shopping around for justices. Justice delayed is justice denied. But what do i know im just an engineer.

• The process to obtain a nationwide injunction needs to be reformed, currently it is far too easy to go and judge shop for one who will rule in your favor.

• The regions covered by the circuit courts should be modified to better group states.

• To be less partisan, but how to achieve that is unclear

• Video recordings in federal trial courts