Casual Monday: The Endless Search For Motivation

I wanted to try something different in today’s article. Specifically, I’d like to discuss the search for motivation in a world struck by a pandemic.

Motivation, in simple terms, is that extra push we get to do the things we want to do. This can range from motivation to finish that book you’ve been meaning to write, motivation to tidy up your home, etc.

Once you look around, it seems that we rely heavily on motivation to get things done. And to a certain extent this holds true, but I’d like to talk about my own experiences with motivation, or rather a lack thereof.

Starting something. It’s a struggle.

I’m sure this doesn’t apply to everyone, but have you ever wanted to do something and never end up doing it?

Some call it procrastination, where one puts these “wants” in the background, even though we want to do them.

I’m not talking about the responsibilities that we carry in our daily lives, since these usually need to be attended wether or not we actually want to do them.

No, instead, I’m talking about the things that one could call hobbies. The things we aspire to do but never actually get around to doing them. It’s as if the mere thought of doing the thing is enough for us, and so we put that dream aside until our egos are hungry for more validation. At that point, we take that same thought we tucked away, and begin to fantasize of starting and completing it. We then feel satisfied once more, and the cycle continues.

For me personally, it’s starting something that becomes a struggle. I’ll come up with ideas I deem great and noteworthy, and begin planning out a sort of “roadmap” as to how to get there. While I’m thinking of this, I feel a sense of accomplishment, as if I had actually done something important.

But in reality, all I’ve done is think about the things I want to do. Action is never taken to achieve said goals. And while there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, I feel like I might be missing various opportunities by not taking action.

As such, I’ve started to push myself whenever motivation finds it’s way to me.

Taking advantage.

There’s a saying out there that basically says motivation is fleeting, and that discipline is where it’s at.

I’m sure we can all agree with that statement, since it makes sense once you think about it.

But discipline is a hard thing to grow, and is something I’m constantly working on to improve it. Since it’s something hard to come by, I’ve settled on a middle ground of sorts, a place that sits between motivation and discipline.

I’m not sure of what it’s called, but I like to think of it as motivation but with an extra kick in it. What I mean by this is whenever I get that oh-so-rare pure motivation to do something, I force myself to start right away. Doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing, if I have the chance to drop it and start working on whatever it is I’m motivated for, I’ll do it.

The trick here is to stop yourself the moment you begin “daydreaming” of the thing you want to do. The moment these fantasies arise, is the moment where you stand up and just get to it.

No plan, no preconception, no preconceived goal in mind. You just go and do it.

Sure, sometimes you won’t finish, maybe you don’t get too far. But you’ve now started, and that’s a hurdle that you won’t have to worry the next time motivation comes knocking at your door.

So take advantage when you’re motivated. Don’t let it go to waste.

Thanks for reading, and stay safe out there.

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