
From time to time, we wake up with a feeling of hope.

And it’s this irregular hope that keeps our heads up, as we look towards the horizon for things that will bring us happiness.

While happiness is a universal thing we all look for, we all have our own unique concepts on how to achieve said happiness. Maybe some of us look for it in the people we surround ourselves with, or in the things we buy, or in the money we hold.

But at the end of the day, we’re all looking for the same thing, aren’t we?

Crypto, An Uncertain Dream

For some of us, the road to happiness was shown to us with cryptocurrencies. When 2017 came to an end, and Bitcoin’s price soared, it was no surprise that heads started to turn.

After all, it’s the simple thought of “what if” that really gets a hold of our minds. Seeing a digital asset rise to such a degree gave people the proof they had been looking for. That yes, a digital currency can bring you gains. Big gains, if you held on long enough.

But for those of us who turned our heads towards crypto in that time, we were too late. The bang had already occurred, so what were we to do to get onto this road towards happiness?

Well, you start looking at alternatives.

And so you start researching other coins, looking for something promising. You visit forums, threads, looking for answers.

When you finally find the coin that beckons your name, you plunge into it. Fear and excitement are emotions you expected to feel. And it was these emotions that one expected throughout the entire adventure.

I suppose hindsight really is 20/20.

But as time moves forward, new emotions begin to creep into your mind. Uncertainty and doubt are ones that we are all too familiar with. We can try to shake them off, but they’ll always be back.

It’s easy to forget why we got into this, but important to remember nonetheless:


And if it can’t be found throughout the journey, then is it really a viable solution to our search? I don’t know, but it’s certainly something to consider.

It’s an interesting thought, this whole “search for happiness”.

It’s a goal we all share, albeit in different ways.

For me personally, happiness has always been hard to define. But I can tell you for certain that I have not found it in crypto. I’m sure as an onlooker this statement would be blatantly obvious, but as someone who has invested time and money into this corner of the internet it’s hard to shake off these personal biases.

As such, this will be my last article here.

Not because I’ve given up hope on cryptocurrencies. In fact, I feel more confident now than ever before that cryptocurrencies are here to stay, for better or for worse. The impact they have had on the financial sector has been massive. And this is only the beginning. Such a wide-scale disruption to the traditional markets is not something that just goes away. It lingers and grows deeper roots. As such, I believe that the future of crypto is a bright one.

The journey towards that future, however, not so much. And that’s ok too. But for me, I’ve decided to put my time towards other projects. At the end of the day, crypto will still be there to greet me.

To conclude all of this, I’d like to thank the crypto community as a whole. I’ve learnt an immense amount of things from all of you. This whole journey, while painful at times, is something I don’t regret one bit. It has been filled with knowledge, friendships, and great learning experiences. It is something I will cherish for a long, long time.

Thank you all.

Stay safe out there, and thanks for reading!