What A Low-key Relationship Could Possibly Mean

When you are in a relationship, some people are in a loving one and some are not that fortunate and they end up in a relationship where it doesn’t make them happy. Most people don’t even realized they are in a bad one. There is what we call a low-key relationship and if you are in one, here are some possible signification about it.

Your partner is not proud of your relationship. When you are in a low-key relationship, it might mean that your partner is not proud of what you both have. They don’t think that what you have is worth it and maybe, they are just with you to pass time until someone better comes in their life. I know it is painful to hear all of this, but now that you know, you can decide for yourself if you want to continue your romance with each other or move on and find someone who will be proud of you and be proud of your relationship.

Your partner is hiding your relationship from someone. When you know you are in a low-key relationship, it might mean that your partner is hiding you from something or from someone else and they don’t want that other person to find out that they are dating you. This can mean a whole other thing but for me, if your partner is doing something like this, it means that they are in a relationship with someone else and is dating two people at the same time. Sometimes having a low-key doesn’t mean good, sometimes it means that your partner is cheating on you and they don’t want you to find out or the other person they are dating to find out either. You should fight back fire with fire, just click https://local-hookups.org/local-lesbian-hookup/ to find your own hookup to get back at your partner.

Your partner is just not fond of social media. There are times where if you are in a low-key relationship, your partner is just not fond of social media and they don’t want to post anything at all.This is totally acceptable because sometimes, social media can destroy what you both have built and it might even become the reason why you would always be in an argument. If your partner is not fond of social media, or if they don’t have a social media account, then it is good because people in social media can often say harsh things that might hurt your relationship.

Your partner values both your privacy. Being in a low-key relationship might mean that your partner respects both your privacy and doesn’t go on posting pictures from both of you to any social media platforms. There are so many things one can find out based on a single picture your partner could have posted on social media and because of this, they don’t want your privacy to be breached by this people which is why you are in a low-key relationship with them. If this is the case, you should just keep your relationship between you and your pair, to their friends and to their family to avoid any private information from being leaked.